马斯克(Elon Musk)宣布成立了一家新 AI 公司 xAI,其宗旨是理解宇宙的真实性质。xAI 招募了曾在 DeepMind、OpenAI、Google研究院、微软研究院、特斯拉和多伦多大学工作过的研究人员。xAI 在一篇官方博客文章中称,它的团队曾参与并领导了 AI 领域最重大突破的研发,其中包括 AlphaStar、AlphaCode、Inception、Minerva、GPT-...
Elon Musk旗下人工智能公司xAI宣布完成60亿美元B轮融资,Valor Equity Partne、Vy Capital、Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)、Sequoia Capital、Fidelity Management & Research Company、Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal、Kingdom Holding等参投。 此轮融资资金将用于将xAI的首批
Musk aims to create an AI firm to take on Microsoft-backed OpenAI, the creator of the successful AI chatbot called ChatGPT. Ironically, it was Musk who initially invested $100 million in OpenAI, but later exited the company. In recent months, ChatGPT and GPT-4 have become a rage ...
Musk, who helped found OpenAI in 2015, cites the lab's founding agreement that the company would use its technology to benefit the public and that it would open its technology for public use. Yet OpenAI has veered away from that mission with its latest AI model, GPT-4, which it hasn't...
马斯克牵头成立x.ai人工智能公司 特斯拉和SpaceX首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 宣布成立x.ai人工智能公司,公司口号“了解宇宙”重点研究方向将包括AlphaStar、AlphaCode、Inception、Minerva、GPT-3.5和GPT-4,同时将会和特斯拉展开密切合作。
Elon Musk正创造世界最强AI使用10万个Nvidia GPU训练Gork-3 Elon Musk旗下的人工智能公司xAI计划在年尾之前推出声称各项性能都是世上最强的人工智能,将使用10万个液冷H100 GPU组成孟菲斯超级集群(Memphis Supercluster),并用来训练预计会在年尾推出的Gork-3。Glad to be making history with@elonmusk, such a ...
比推消息,根据官网消息,Elon Musk领导的团队宣布成立人工智能公司X.AI,该公司的目标是理解“宇宙的真实本质”。 该公司表示,其团队由特斯拉和SpaceX首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 领导,团队成员曾在DeepMind、OpenAI、Google Research、Micr […]
Elon Musk旗下AI公司xAI完成60亿美元B轮融资,a1 Elon Musk 旗下人工智能公司 xAI 宣布完成 60 亿美元 B 轮融资,Valor Equity Partners、Vy Capital、Andreessen Horowitz、Sequoia Capital、Fidelity Management & Research Company、Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal、Kingdom Holding 等参投。
Elon Musk added new antitrust claims to his lawsuit against OpenAI on Thursday, accusing the ChatGPT maker of colluding with Microsoft to block competition from other artificial intelligence (AI) companies. The new filing is the latest development in a
Musk isn't a novice to AI given that Tesla uses the technology in its vehicles. While xAI didn't disclose what projects it will be working on, the company noted that its team of 11 researchers are drawn from top tech companies such as Microsoft Research, DeepMind, OpenAI and Google. ...