11月19日消息,据外媒UDN报道,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的人工智能初创公司 xAI 已将其所有AI服务器订单从陷入困境的超微电脑(Supermicro)转移到了戴尔,总价值约60亿美元。报道称,戴尔受益于该订单,将有望成为最大的服务器制造商之一,它的供应商英业达(Inventec)和纬创资通(Wistron)也将从中受益。这对于身处会计欺...
聊天机器人初创公司Inflection AI和大型语言模型开发商Cohere在今年早些时候吸引了Nvidia(NVDA)和Oracle(ORCL)等公司的资金。 Elon Musk于去年7月创立了xAI,旨在理解“宇宙的本质”并帮助人类“理解现实”。这位亿万富翁曾公开表示过暂停人工智能开发以及技术可能会使工作变得过时的观点。 周二的文件将马斯克列为xAI的执行...
Trump’s win is considered as a boon for Musk’s companies. Tesla shares have soared 34.7% as of Monday close after the election. The electric vehicle giant last week first crossed $1 trillion in market value since the mid 2021, driven by the frenzy bet that Musk and his companies includ...
Elon Musk旗下人工智能公司xAI宣布完成60亿美元B轮融资,Valor Equity Partne、Vy Capital、Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)、Sequoia Capital、Fidelity Management & Research Company、Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal、Kingdom Holding等参投。 此轮融资资金将用于将xAI的首批
由埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)牵头的投资者联盟计划以约974亿美元收购OpenAI的全部资产,并表示愿意匹配或超过更高报价。该联盟包括多家与马斯克关系密切的投资机构,如Baron Capital Group(由罗恩·巴伦创立,持有特斯拉和SpaceX大量股份)、Atreides Management(创始人曾长期在富达工作,支持马斯克)、Valor Management(创始人安东...
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)创建了一家新公司,应该能够实现他在人工智能领域的雄心壮志。 最近几周,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一直在谈论人工智能。在认为ChatGPT太“醒了”之后,这位亿万富翁与其他专家一起要求暂停该技术的开发。不过,特斯拉的老板也踏上了冒险之旅。
(Reuters) - The European Union told Elon Musk to hire more human moderators and fact-checkers to review posts on Twitter, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, citing four people familiar with talks between Musk, Twitter exe...
Musk isn't a novice to AI given that Tesla uses the technology in its vehicles. While xAI didn't disclose what projects it will be working on, the company noted that its team of 11 researchers are drawn from top tech companies such as Microsoft Research, DeepMind, OpenAI and Google. ...
Musk has previously criticized the pace and ambitions of advances in AI. ByMax Zahn July 13, 2023, 11:58 PM Artificial Future: Understanding AILearn about artificial intelligence from the people who helped create it. Plus, how can this technology be regulated? How will it change the entertain...
A recently released SEC filing revealed that Elon Musk sold TSLA stock after the 2022 Annual Shareholders Meeting.