The bot is still in an early stage of testing, Musk said, but will soon be made available to subscribers of X’s Premium+ service, who, in the United States, pay $16 a month for features such as the once-coveted blue checkmark. Grok is intended to rival ChatGPT, an AI chatbot...
在今年的 AI Day,Elon Musk 首次推出了人工智能机器人原型 Tesla Bot AKA「Optimus(擎天柱)」,并透露最终成本将低于 2 万美元。「Optimus」 旨在帮助体力劳动并可能减少劳动力短缺。你觉得这会是又一个改变世界的项目吗? û收藏 5 评论 ñ4 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度...
Elon Musk 在第五层。今天,特斯拉通过自主研发的大规模深度神经网络训练集群 Dojo 和人工智能机器人 Tesla Bot 佐证了 Elon 说的那句话:「从长远来看,人们会将特斯拉视为一家人工智能机器人公司,就像今天被视为汽车或能源公司那样」。 美东时间 8 月 19 日下午 5 点,特斯拉举办了 AI Day 人工智能日,整场发布...
The hidden setting gives X permission to use all posts, interactions, inputs, and results for "training and fine-turning" Elon Musk's Grok AI model. To continuously improve your... Read Full Article 95 comments Elon Musk Threatens to Ban Apple Devices Over ChatGPT Integration Monday June 10...
AI发展迅速,而有份参与AI发展的Tesla CEO, Elon Musk马斯克就在社交平台发布帖文,指AI在2029年将超越全人类加起来的智力水平。 AI will probably be smarter than any single human next year. By 2029, AI is probably smarter than all humans combined. ...
OpenAI has been hard at work on a bot capable of beating top professional players at Dota 1v1, and on Friday, it succeeded.
This afternoon,Musk tweetedthat a bot built by his non-profit,OpenAI, beat several of the world’s best players at the video game, Dota 2. OpenAI first ever to defeat world's best players in competitive eSports. Vastly more complex than traditional board games like chess & Go. ...
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla andSpaceX, upended the debate in recent days by optingto releasethe computer code behind his AI chatbot, Grok. The move contrasts with the approach taken by OpenAI, the company behind popular AI text botChatGPT. OpenAI, part owned by tech gi...
Tesla先前曾在其AI Day宣布一项名为Tesla Bot的人形机器人计划,旨在“导航由人类创建的世界”以及能够“消除危险、无聊与重复性的工作”。Tesla创办人兼首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk)日前接受访问时表示,Tesla Bot可以拥有独特、独立性格,并非只是普通的机器人。马斯克日前接受AI研究学者Lex Fridman访问,表示Tesla Bot...