goals. We do this not only by providing the best possible monoclonal antibodies, immunoassay kits, and instruments but also through webinars, educational blogs, workshops, and attending world-renowned immunology meetings. Check out our entireKnowledge Hubfor inspiration, troubleshooting, guides, and ...
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE OBSERVATION Following the incubation with the BCIP/NBT Substrate and rinsing the microplate with deionized water, the dark blue background color of the filter membrane attenuates visualization and quantitation of spots. The number of spots in the wells that contained the cells is...
REPRODUCIBILITYDATA7TROUBLESHOOTINGGUIDE...8 REFERENCES9ASSAYRECORDTEMPLATE...10 MANUFACTUREDANDDISTRIBUTEDBY: R&DSystems,Inc.TELEPHONE:(***)***-***14McKinleyPlaceNE(612)379-2956Minneapolis,MN55413FAX:(***)***-***UnitedStatesofAmericaE-MAIL:info@RnDSystems DISTRIBUTEDBY: R&DSystemsEurope,Ltd. 19...