ELISA tests for antibodies against mycobacterial glycolipids. J. Immu- no\. Methods 34:55-60, 1980.Reggiardo Z, Vazquez E, Schnaper L (1980) ELISA test for antibodies against mycobacterial glycolipids. J Immunol Methods 34:55–60Zulema R,et al.ELISA tests for antibodies against mycobacterial ...
英文名:Test Kit for Antibodies to Porcine Parvovirus (ELISA) 【包装规格】 96T×2/盒 【预期用途】 猪细小病是由猪细小(Porcine Parvovirus,PPV)引起的猪的繁殖障碍性,其特征为受感染的母猪,特别是初产母猪产出死胎、畸形胎、木乃伊胎及病弱仔猪,而母猪本身无明显症状。
猪O型口蹄疫合成肽结构蛋白ELISA抗体定性检测试剂盒(ELISA)Test Kit for Antibodies to Porcine Foot and Mouth Disease Virus O ELISA KIT 小鼠干细胞因子( SCF) ELISA检测试剂盒MouseStem cell factor( SCF) ELISA Kit 小鼠半乳糖凝集素1(Galectin-1)ELISA检测试剂盒Mouse Galectin-1 ELISA Kit 小鼠白细胞介素12...
猪衣原体抗体检测试剂盒价格:价格电议产品详情:【产品名称】通用名:猪衣原体IgG抗体检测试剂盒(酶联免疫法)英文名:TestKitforAntibodiestoPorcineChlamydiaPsittaci(ELISA)... elisa试剂盒相关产品报价更多> 产品标题价格产地公司名称更新日期 肉碱ELISA试剂盒肉碱ELISA试剂盒ELISA试剂盒电议进口、国...VIP6年上海抚生实...
Taylor SL, Nordlee JA, Niemann LM, Lambrecht DM. Allergen immunoassays--considerations for use of naturally incurred standards. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2009;395(1):83-92. doi:10.1007/s00216-009-2944-0 Li M, An W, Wang L, et al. Production of monoclonal antibodies for measuring Avastin and ...
[11] Kim S-H. ELISA for Quantitative determination of hepatitis B virus surface antigen. Immune Netw. 2017;17(6):451-459. doi:10.4110/in.2017.17.6.451 [12] MacMullan MA, Ibrayeva A, Trettner K, et al. ELISA detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in sal...
[3] Holmstr.m P, Syrj.nen S, Laine P, Valle S, Suni J. HIV antibodies in whole saliva detected by ELISA and western blot assays. J Med Virol. 1990;30(4):245-248. doi: 10.1002/jmv.1890300403 [4] Lin A. Direct ELISA. Methods in Mo...
3.Then the serum is added, which contains a mixture of the serum donors antibodies, of unknown concentrat 10、ion, some of which may bind specifically to the test antigen that is coating the well. 4.Afterwards, a secondary antibody is added, which will bind any antibody produced by a ...
猪肺炎支原体抗体检测卡(胶体金法) 价格: 价格电议 产品详情:【产品名称】通用名:猪肺炎支原体抗体检测卡(胶体金法)英文名:Test Kit for Antibodies to Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae of Swi... 包装规格:盒 用途:用于科研实验使用 货号:JK5587 品牌:晶抗生物 产地:上海 应用:仅供科研使用 elisa试剂盒相关产品报价 ...
牛羊口蹄疫病毒O型抗体检测试剂盒是一种专用于牛、羊养殖场中口蹄疫O型免疫效果评价的检测产品。 【产品名称】 通用名:牛羊病毒O型抗体检测试剂盒(酶联免疫法) 英文名:Test Kit for Antibodies to Bovine and sheep Foot and Mouth Disease Virus O(ELISA) ...