So that's a way to think about 'The Waste Land' to link it into the Modernist tradition and to also get an introduction to what's in there. There's some pretty cool stuff. So that's 'The Waste Land. Read The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot | Summary, Style & Analysis Lesson ...
Explore ''The Waste Land'' by T. S. Eliot. Learn about the author, study a summary of his poem. Examine the poem's structure, style, and themes.
The Waste LandSummary T. S. Eliot ranks among the most celebrated and influential poets of the twentieth century. The masterful "Prufrock" combines several elements of Eliot's characteristic methods and themes that appear separately in other poems from this period. Eliot's essays offer penetrating...
‘The Waste Land‘ has such vast and complex references that Eliot had to provide end notes to the poem. Some of themythologyused within the poem includes the Hindu Upanishads, Buddhist lore, and the ArthurianLegendswoven throughout the narrative, bringing forth several different voices. Summary ...
In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter. Summary: The first section of The Waste Land takes its title from a line in the Anglican(英国国教的) burial service. It is made up of four vignettes(片段). The first is an ...
The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot In-Depth Summary & Analysis 50播放 · 0弹幕2020-12-06 21:54:56 The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot In-Depth Summary & Analysis 关注00:00 / 12:35 自动 倍速 当前浏览器已限制自动播放 登录免费享高清画质 立即登录 1...
Summary:ThefirstsectionofTheWasteLandtakesitstitlefromalineintheAnglican(英国国教的)burialservice.Itismadeupoffourvignettes(片段).Thefirstisanautobiographicalsnippet(片段)fromthechildhoodofanaristocraticwoman,inwhichsherecallssleddingandclaimsthatsheisGerman,notRussian. ...
1911TheLoveSongofJ.AlfredPrufrock-first masterpieceofModernisminEnglish 1917PrufrockandOtherObservations Secondperiod 1922TheWasteLand-arepresentativework oftheHighModernismofthe1920s 1925TheHollowMan-thespiritualand emotionalaridityofmodernmen Thirdperiod ...