You may be able to get Disability Living Allowance if you are aged under 65 and you have needed help with personal care or had walking difficulties because of a physical or mental disability for three months and you are likely to need this help or have these difficulties for at least anothe...
The VA provides a burial allowance of $2,000 for veterans who pass away due to service-related issues. To access this benefit, you will need to demonstrate that you covered the costs of the veteran’s burial or funeral. Additionally, it’s important to show that the veteran’s passing ...
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 and 10), Assam ₹ 150 per month for day scholars and ₹350 per month for hostellers for 10 months Books and ad-hoc grants of ₹750 per annum for day scholars and ₹1,000 per annum for hostellers. Additional disability allowance of ...
If the student fails for the first time, they are still eligible for the exam fees and maintenance allowance. However, if they fail the same class a second time, they will no longer be eligible for any allowance. After two drops, if the student passes and advances to the next class, th...
Prior to 1993, normally the female spouse was primarily eligible to collect the Family Allowances benefit, and consequently are the ones eligible for CRDO during those years. (Unless the couple was split and the child was living primarily with the male parent or the female parent waived her ...
Every recruit must be sufficiently intelligent, free from nervous instability and be inpossession of sound health. He shall have no constitutional or acquired disability as may in the opinion of the Recruiting Medical Officer render him unfit for duties, in the organization, particularly at high alt...
If you are struggling with your finances, or worried about the increased cost of living, you are not alone. We can help. Support with money worries Borrowing options When borrowing money, you need to make the right choice for you and your circumstances. ...
Long-term services and supports (LTSS) refer to a broad range of health and health-related services and supports needed by individuals who lack the capacity for self-care due to a physical, cognitive, or mental disability or condition. Often the individual's disability or condition results in ...
For example, to make the programs serve certain social purposes, some groups are included among beneficiaries even though they have not contributed for the required periods of time. Benefits may be raised in response to increases in the cost of living, again weakening the link between ...
When reporting income, do NOT include any provincial allowance received by the sponsor for a program of instruction or training; any social assistance received by the sponsor from a province; any financial assistance received by the sponsor from the Government of Canada under a resettlement assistance...