Burton Rejects Idea of Change in Disability Allowance CriteriaCiara KennyHarry McGEE
Besides, the criteria for determining the number of employees (e.g. whether temporary or part-time employees should be included) would also be controversial. legco.gov.hk 而且,界定員工數 目的基準(例 如: 臨時及兼職職員 應否計算在 內等 ),亦容易引起爭議。 legco.gov.hk (h) Other ...
Every recruit must be sufficiently intelligent, free from nervous instability and be inpossession of sound health. He shall have no constitutional or acquired disability as may in the opinion of the Recruiting Medical Officer render him unfit for duties, in the organization, particularly at high alt...
Using the methods of the Proportion,Engel's Coefficient and Extend Linear expenditure system algorithm respectively,this study made an in-depth understanding of the relations among the criteria of the minimum wage,the unemployment benefit and the minimum living insurance.Then based on the advantages an...
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