35 Is the "half your speed" used in standing from prone your normal speed, or current speed? 11 Is this Tabaxi Monk/Barbarian/Rogue/Fighter movement speed calculation accurate? 15 Can a 9th-level multiclassed monk move along vertical surfaces while wearing armor? ...
35 Is the "half your speed" used in standing from prone your normal speed, or current speed? 11 Is this Tabaxi Monk/Barbarian/Rogue/Fighter movement speed calculation accurate? 15 Can a 9th-level multiclassed monk move along vertical surfaces while wearing armor? 13 Can you move over ...
Here is the detailed intro about all the Half-Elf Races in the DND 5E game. The speed, size, age, alignment, tools, languages, ability to interact, points, and all other data.
Elf subraces in DnD 5e DnDElf subracesin 5E cover multiple different histories and cultures. Many of these, such as the sylvan Wood Elves, regal High Elves and subterranean Dark Elves can be found across the many planes of the multiverse, while the Pallid Elves are native to the Critical ...
5e has nothing like that in the PHB and, frankly, there is nothing preventing you as DM from doing whatever makes sense to. For instance you could say that an adult elf of over a century of age is, indeed, a rather high level NPC and regular level 1 elves are often no ...
I'm trying to make an elf barbarian and I'm having trouble figuring out her age, in human years she's 30 but I don't know if that would be the same in elven years (in the default 5e setting of the Forgotten Realms.) If so, would she be old enough to marry and go on an adv...
The long bow has a higher average damage on a hit than a Fire Bolt (6.5 vs 5.5). However, if her Intelligence bonus is better than her Dexterity bonus then the bow will miss more often. Where the crossover point on damage output is depends on the difference in the bonus and ...