第1 章:一步步创建角色 Step-by-Step Characters 高于1 级 Beyond 1st Level 第2 章:种族 Races 选择一个种族 Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵 Elf 半身人 Halfling 人类 Human 龙裔 Dragonborn 侏儒 Gnome 半精灵 Half-Elf 半兽人 Half-Orc 提夫林 Tiefling 第3 章:职业Classes 野蛮人 Barbarian 吟游诗人 Ba...
Half-Elf Walking around in two different worlds,Half-Elfis one of the most sophisticated races that includes the characters of both elf and human parents. Where they add features like curiosity and inventiveness, they are at the same time ambitious and sensible too. Half-orcs get plus two to...
精灵Elf 社交Social Interaction 半身人Halfling 休息Resting 人类Human 冒险之余Between Adventures 龙裔Dragonborn 第章:战斗 9 Combat 侏儒Gnome 战斗流程The Order of Combat 半精灵Half-Elf 移动与位置Movement and Position 半兽人Half-Orc 战斗动作Action in Combat 提夫林Tiefling 发动攻击Making an Attack 第章:...
8Sea Elf 9Shadar-kai 10Wood Elf (roll onWood Elvestable for variant) d6Variant 1Half-Elf 2Aquatic Half-Elf 3Drow Half-Elf 4High Half-Elf 5Wood Half-Elf 6Dragonmarked Half-Elf (roll onDragonmarked Half-Elvestable for dragonmark) ...
To become a bard, a human or half-elf had to begin with very high ability scores: Strength 15+, Wisdom 15+, Dexterity 15+ and Charisma 15+, Intelligence 12+ and Constitution 10+. These daunting requirements made bards one of the rarest character classes. Bards began the game as fighters...
半精灵Half-Elf 人类和精灵的后代,三版最弱五版滥强的种族。在2024版5E被删除 半身人 Halfling 矮小温顺天真的种族,经常因为纯粹的好奇心而踏上冒险。 半兽人Half-Orc 人类和兽人的后代,来源通常是男性兽人和女性人类。在2024版5E被删除 人类Human 到处都在的,最平衡和最广泛的,三版最强五版滥弱的种族。
种族Races 选择一个种族Choosing a Race 矮人Dwarf 精灵Elf 半身人Halfling 人类Human 龙裔Dragonborn 侏儒Gnome 半精灵Half-Elf 半兽人Half-Orc 提夫林Tiefling 第3 章:职业Classes 野蛮人Barbarian 吟游诗人Bard 牧师Cleric 德鲁伊Druid 战士Fighter 武僧Monk 圣武士Paladin 巡林客Ranger 游荡者Rogue 术士Sorcerer 邪术师...
Bard Humming as she traces her fingers over an ancient monument in a long-forgotten ruin, a half-elf in rugged leathers finds knowledge springing into her mind, conjured forth by the magic of her song—knowledge of the people who constructed the monument and the mythic saga it depicts....
Golden eyes flashing, a human stretches out her hand and unleashes the dragonfire that burns in her veins. As an inferno rages around her foes, leathery wings spread from her back and she takes to the air. Long hair whipped by a conjured wind, a half-elf spreads his arms wide and thro...
半精靈 Half-Elf 半獸人 Half-Ord 提夫林 Tiefling 目錄 種族特性 種族特性 每個種族的描述都包括了該種族成員共同具有的種族特性。大多數種族的特性包括以下項目: 能力值增加每個種族都會增加一個或多個角色的能力值。 年齡年齡項目記錄了該種族成員被視為成年的年齡,以及種族的預期壽命。這些信息可以幫助你決定...