Discover an interactive elementary social studies curriculum from TCI. Learn how our program covers state standards and engages elementary students.
Our elementary school curriculum is uniquely customized to fit each child’s needs and helps young learners acquire all the basic study skills and develop a lifelong love for learning. Lessons are designed to help students build confidence and work independently, all while at their own pace. Elem...
Elementary School CurriculumProblem SolvingSkill DevelopmentSocial ProblemsSocial StudiesStudent Educational ObjectivesSince the world is "shrinking" in size due to better transportation and communication, it is important for students to study world issues in the social studies. Problems on the world scene...
SEL Curriculum for Elementary School Educates the Whole Child An effective social-emotional learning curriculum for elementary students considers their full developmental needs. When lessons with SEL components are embedded across content area curricula, students get daily practice developing SEL competencies...
The Cambridge curriculum at Limai Primary School provides a clear and reasonable structure for grammar knowledge. The curriculum ensures a balance between ability and examination, with comprehensive training in listening, speaking, ...
Science Just as children explore concentrically larger circles of community in social studies, the science curriculum teaches them to understand and appreciate the physical world around them. Students take part in engaging, hands-on investigation. ...
Our teachers also provide support every step of the way. They work with you and your child to create a learning plan that fits their needs. They provide help with schoolwork, social skills, and personal growth. This prepares them for success today, tomorrow, and in middle school. ...
Elementary School CurriculumBackgroundHistory InstructionInstructional MaterialsInstructional InnovationPersuasive DiscourseThis article describes and defends a revision of the traditional elementary social studies curriculum rationale. It calls for retaining most of the same topics, but developing them more ...
Homeschool Mom “After three years of homeschooling my son, we have gone through so many different curriculums to find the right fit… The way this program teaches and goes over the subject again if it was not understood is amazing! My son’s reading comprehension was way below average. ...
The most recent phase of curriculum reform in the era of accountability is the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) which have essentially reshaped the landscape of public education. Its objective of preparing K-12 students for college and career upon high school graduation have prioritized English ...