TCI is proud to offer online Massachusetts social studies curriculum and textbooks that give social studies students an interactive experience.
There is currently a need to understand how teachers perceive the problem of insufficient social studies instruction time and gain their perceptions of curriculum integration as a solution. The purpose of the qualitative case study was to explore how 14 elementary social studies teachers in Grades 3...
Discover an interactive elementary social studies curriculum from TCI. Learn how our program covers state standards and engages elementary students.
A unique aspect of our social skills curriculum for elementary students with autism is the creation of comic books, where students can retell the story. Day 4: Perspective Taking Guide students on taking the characters’ perspectives Day 5: Generalization Lesson ...
In this engaging guide, two experienced social studies educators unpack the oppressions that so often characterize the elementary curriculum—normalization, idealization, heroification, and dramatization—and show how common pitfalls can be replaced with creative solutions. Whether you’re a classroom teach...
Introduce your students to the five competencies of SEL with these writing and journal prompts for elementary, middle, and high school. Ali Habashi April 4, 2022 Read More How to Incorporate SEL Into an Elementary Science Curriculum Listen as two former science teachers discuss practical ways to...
Elementary Social Studies: A Practical Guide, 7/e is designed to focus on central concerns in teaching social studies in a standards-based environment. This is a brief text which enables teachers to successfully implement a social studies curriculum with concepts, strategies, and values relevant to...
Transforming elementary social studies: The emergence of a curriculum focused on diverse, caring communities.Theory and Research in Social Education, 23(4), 355-74.Alter, G. "Transforming Elementary Social Studies: The Emergence of a Curric- ulum Focused on Diverse, Caring Communities." Theory ...
This publication is developed for grades K-6 as a curriculum guide for the Science/Social Studies Program. The introduction gives purpose and structure of program, format of each unit, sequence of each lesson and key to abbreviated organization or project titles. A map, which orders the units ...
Social Studies, the Lost Curriculum: A Research Study of Elementary Teachers and the Forces Impacting the Teaching of Social Studies The teaching of social studies at the elementary level is becoming marginalized. Currently, elementary teachers spend one hour or less on social studies pe... WBR Ii...