↑Disney Animation Promos (April 16, 2023). "An Easter egg for Pixar’s ‘ELIO’ (2024) is featured in the official trailer of #Elemental. The movie follows 11-year-old Elio, who finds himself transported across the galaxy and is mistaken for the intergalactic ambassador of planet Earth."...
The movie was beautiful. At the same time, it was so real. You can easily find yourself in it. I loved every detail. Character design, architectural design, scenario. Both animation and scenario were amazing. Laughing, crying, being surprised, admiring, the movie made them all feel at the...
I knew there was going to be romance in this but I thought, like most pixar movies, the main theme of this movie would be something else and the romance would progress on the sidelines. But no, the romance takes center stage in this film.The main character, Ember, was very well ...
Given the movie’s $200 million budget, it turned a minor profit, if it did so at all. Nonetheless, given how dire the movie’s potential sales looked right off the bat, it did pretty well in the end. Element City represents a location where characters made of Water, Wind, Earth and...
FOR DESIGN LOVERS Iconic furniture pieces are movie stars It is almost unimaginable to shoot such a classic movie without timeless classic furniture. The coffee table was originally introduced by Knoll in 1966. Iconic Furniture Cosplay idea: Suzie from Stranger Things Get in character Costume Inspirat...
Would you believe that this movie depicts Earth elementals growing vegetation and plucking fruit, but never explores the role of water in that process? From a design perspective, Elemental is certainly interested in the look of fire and water, and how to design an anthropomorphic elemental ...
especially considering that one of their movie’s leads, ember, was actually supposed to be made of the stuff. they had tools to make a flame effect from years of previous animations, but when you actually tried to shape it into a character, the results were pretty terrifying, a cross bet...