↑Disney Animation Promos (April 16, 2023). "An Easter egg for Pixar’s ‘ELIO’ (2024) is featured in the official trailer of #Elemental. The movie follows 11-year-old Elio, who finds himself transported across the galaxy and is mistaken for the intergalactic ambassador of planet Earth."...
Details surrounding the movie have been relatively scarce outside of Ember and Wade being very different elements and finding common ground. The official trailer for Elemental, however, gives a better idea of just what to expect. The world the characters inhabit is rigidly divided based on the ...
”“Incredibles 2,”“Lightyear”), or that the studio’s slate of recent originals (“Soul,”“Luca,”“Turning Red”) have all, oddly enough, centered on characters transforming into animals (a revealing trope for its prevalence in films about feeling...
This started with Disney's Frozen, where Anna's "love at first sight" story was turned on its head by making Hans the bad guy. Sure, she still found love in Kristoff, but the movie's central theme was rooted in the power of familial love. By moving away from the typical Disney roma...
But fun as it can be to soak in the movie’s cheeky sense of detail (from flame-retardant costumes to blink-and-you-miss-them background puns), the whole scenario seems forced: so much world-building to tell a story better suited to flesh-and-blood human characters. Related Stories ...
the movie’s most inspired writing. Lewis and Athie, though they never appear together on-screen, also have a strong chemistry together, and manage to give a real humanity to inhuman and underwritten characters. Supporting turns by Wendy McLendon-Covey and Catherine O’Hara also add to the ...
Source: Disney/Pixar GG: Take us through the process of conception to where we are now Gwen Enderoglu: We developed the rig (process that gives characters movement) and focused on the style of animation so that each film has a different language of movement. We wanted to find s...
(Mamoudou Athie), a 'water' person who’s also a city inspector. He’s about to close the store down, due to various safety issues, but falls for Ember. "We can’t touch," they cry, as the film sets out to explore how these two characters who are such polar opposites can make ...
while Sohn’sThe Good Dinosauris not regarded as one of the better movies from the studio. That movie did have absolutely gorgeous animation; ifElementalcan deliver equally exciting characters and a compelling story, it could keep Pixar on the hot streak it’s been on lately withSoul,Luca, ...
Each frame of each character is independent and different from the one before it. Traditional models weren’t going to work. Soul used volumetric rendering where characters were simulations, not models. “The animators were just starting to talk about a new style of film production called ...