22.14.13 What operating system are you using? Windows Operating System Version Windows 11 What arch are you using? x64 Expected Behavior There was no problem in the development environment, butlocalStoragein the page showed the error when I packaged it. ...
Electron version: 1.3.4 Operating system: Windows 7 This error happened inside a preload with the following format: process.once('loaded', () => { //Other code localStorage.setItem('SOME_PROPERTY',data) }) This preload works on my machin...
Easily write and read user settings in Electron apps localstorage/sessionstorage 自带的存储。 坑点: LocalStorage存储容量也很小,大概不会超过10M,它是以键值对形式保存数据的,同样也没有关联查询、条件查询的机制 SessionStorage最大的问题是,每次关闭应用程序,它里面的内容会被清空,想持久化存储数据,就不用考虑它...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41253450/error-the-specified-module-could-not-be-found有提到大致的原生就是 .node缺少一些dll库。可以使用http://www.dependencywalker.com/检查缺少啥 我做了四种尝试: 安装visual-c 组件 failed 复制dll到asar同目录 failed electron-builder 设置asar为false ok C++模块文件...
Easily write and read user settings in Electron apps localstorage/sessionstorage 自带的存储。 坑点: LocalStorage存储容量也很小,大概不会超过10M,它是以键值对形式保存数据的,同样也没有关联查询、条件查询的机制 SessionStorage最大的问题是,每次关闭应用程序,它里面的内容会被清空,想持久化存储数据,就不用考虑它...
安装visual-c 组件 failed 复制dll到asar同目录 failed electron-builder 设置asar为false ok C++模块文件夹移动asar包体外 ok 后两种是有效的,而且这个问题可能只出现在某些机器上。某些机器是正确的,某些机器却不正确。 electron-builder 打包后卸载或者更改程序中的发布者名称问题 ...
Returns a promise that resolves when the editor has been opened, or rejects if it failed to open. initRenderer() Initializer to set up the requiredipccommunication channels for the module when aStoreinstance is not created in the main process and you are creating aStoreinstance in the Electron ...
protocol.registerFileProtocol('atom', (request, callback) => { const url = request.url.substr(7) callback({ path: path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, url)) }) })) { console.error('Failed to register protocol') } }) ses.netLog Readonly A NetLog object for this session. const {...
Returns a promise that resolves when the editor has been opened, or rejects if it failed to open. initRenderer() Initializer to set up the requiredipccommunication channels for the module when aStoreinstance is not created in the main process and you are creating aStoreinstance in the Electron ...
Describe the bug Everything works just fine in development mode but I'm getting this error in the devtools console after building my app: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied f...