从下载最新版本的windows安装程序进行安装,我下载的是v6.9.1,安装时一路默认即可,这个安装会把nodejs和npm配置到系统PATH中,这样在命令行的任何位置都可以直接用node执行nodejs,用npm执行npm命令。 检查nodejs是否安装成功可以这样查看: 另外,因为可能的防火墙问题(不然会下载很慢很慢,...
1、系统:windows7 64位操作系统 2、使用electron-boilerplate-vue脚手架,其中electron为v1.2.1,vue为v1.0.25 3、使用electron-packager和grunt-electron-installer打包成安装文件,以及Squirrel.Windows 4、请先安装vs2015,并配置系统变量,保证Squirrel.Windows的安装环境 教程开始 注:此文不适合electron新手,需要对electr...
Cross Platform- Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, Electron apps build and run on three platforms. What’s new in version33.2.0 Features Added GPU accelerated shared texture offscreen rendering. #44511 Other Changes Updated Chromium to 130.0.6723.118. #44591 ...
Before running the CLI for the first time, you will have to setup the “Windows Desktop App Converter”. This will take a few minutes, but don’t worry – you only have to do this once. Download the Desktop App Converter fromhere. You will receive two files:DesktopAppConverter.zipandBas...
这个就是 windows-build-tools,一个用于 windows 平台的环境构建工具。 只要我们把它安装在全局即可,稍作等待,后续它为我们安装好一系列的插件: python 字符设置 虽然windows-build-tools为我们安装了 python ,但为了避免不必要的麻烦,我建议你事先安装好 python2 。 后续执行 electron-rebuild 还会遇到 字符编码的...
Average users have every right to dislike Electron-based apps, but the framework makes it much easier for small developers to break into the business. If you know how to create a website, you can make apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux, which you would otherwise need a whole team of deve...
Each Electron release provides binaries for macOS, Windows, and Linux. macOS (Big Sur and up): Electron provides 64-bit Intel and Apple Silicon / ARM binaries for macOS. Windows (Windows 10 and up): Electron providesia32(x86),x64(amd64), andarm64binaries for Windows. Windows on ARM supp...
This is Windows 95, running in anElectronapp. Yes, it's the full thing. I'm sorry. Downloads Does it work? Yes! Quite well, actually - on macOS, Windows, and Linux. Bear in mind that this is written entirely in JavaScript, so please adjust your expectations. ...
$ npm install electron-download-manager Usage Register it for all windows Register the listener (that will catch all DownloadItems) constelectron=require("electron");const{app,BrowserWindow}=electron;constDownloadManager=require("electron-download-manager");DownloadManager.register();app.on("ready",(...
1.Download the latest version ofNode.jsinstallerWindows Installer (.msi) 64-bit. 2.OpenNode.js command promptin the application list and open a terminal window. Step 2. Install Electron Run the following command in the terminal to install Electron. V4.0.0 or later is recomme...