Download Electron 34.2.0 / 35.0.0 Beta 7 for Mac - Open-source software development framework that allows you to easily build cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies
Compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, Electron apps build and run on three platforms.The API Demos app interactively demonstrates the most important features of the Electron API. See what's possible with Electron 64 bit with sample code and helpful tips for building your app.Electron Fiddle ...
Useful utilities for Electron apps and modules You can use this package directly in both themain and renderer process. There are three parts of this package, “shared”, “main”, and “node”. The “shared” part works in both the main orrendered process. The “main” part works only ...
当你第一次在Quasar项目中添加Electron模式时,你会得到最新版本的Electron软件包。在某个时间点上,你会想要升级Electron的版本。 在升级Electron之前,请参考它的发行说明。是否有破坏性的变化? # 从你的Quasar项目的根目录下 $ yarn upgrade electron@latest # 或者: npm install electron@latest ...
Useful resources for creating apps with Electron. Contribute to sindresorhus/awesome-electron development by creating an account on GitHub.
目录前言:[1]准备工作:[2]架构设计:[3]基本代码:[4]代码结构:[5]主进程(main.js):[6]子进程:[7]工具函数:[8]消息中心:[9]electron 模块:[10]在 vue 的全局调用上述几个函数:[11]脚本:[12]问题避坑:[13]搭建上述软件时遇到以下问题:[14]总结:[15]前言…
Free download OpenJS Electron for MacOS Latest Offline Installer - Build desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.Free Download OpenJS Electron, the latest standalone offline installer for macOS. It empowers developers to seamlessly build cross-platform desktop applications with a blend of web ...
Download Electron App Store 0.0.4 for Linux - Browse and install all Electron-based apps by relying on this nifty, modern, store app
Electron - Packaging Apps - Packaging and distributing apps is an integral part of the development process of a desktop application. Since Electron is a cross-platform desktop application development framework, packaging and distribution of apps for all
The--save-exactflag is recommended for Electron prior to version 2, as it does not follow semantic versioning. As of version 2.0.0, Electron follows semver, so you don't need--save-exactflag. For info on how to manage Electron versions in your apps, seeElectron versioning. ...