The primary objective of the reform was to create a competitive wholesale energy market in which generation companies and large customers could freely enter into bilateral supply contracts. To this end, the government first issued the 1982 Electricity Act. The Act was the brainchild of the National...
Having explored the entrepreneurial use and impact of RES, in the next section we examine the electricity design and supply side actors and how their institutional policies align with or challenge local context and culture to influence entrepreneurial opportunities and outcomes. 4.3. When RES design ...
if the selected producer is unable to produce electricity for sale by the contractually specified COD (SCOD), the producer may be subject to fines of 0.33% of the guarantee payments per day, starting from 60 days after the SCOD. If the VSPP is still unable to supply electricity 360 days ...
supply of some electronics components, such as anisotropicconductivefilm(ACF) and integrated circuits (ICs). It is fortunate [...] 三月中日本發生的事故及其後電力供應短缺擾亂了一些電子零件的供應,如異方性導電膜(ACF) 及集成電路(ICs) ,除 ...
solution to problemsin the electricity market inHongKong is not to be sought from the enactment of afaircompetitionlawbut from the introduction of [...] 因此, 解決本地電 力市場的方法,便不能 靠制 定公平競 爭法,而是 要設法引入更嚴 謹的規管 機制及 擴 大市場參...
First, electricity prices tend to experience increased volatility in case of extreme weather conditions or technical issues on the grid, as these events induce volatility on the supply side (see Michelfelder and Pilotte 2022). Second, transmission network congestion might also be an important source...