The new amendment sets a maximum limit towards these charges for Short Term OA and Temporary-General Network Access (GNA) consumers. These charges cannot exceed 110% of the charges levied on long-term or GNA users, as the case may be. Additional Surcharge (AS) AS on any OA consumer ...
Electricity Amendment Act 58 of 1989doi:Act 58 of 1989
AMENDMENT OF THE DUTCH CAS ACT AND ELECTRICITY ACT 1998-REINFORCEMENT OF THE CAS SECTOR, SECURITY OF SUPPLY AND PRIORITY ACCESS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY Theecondhamber (Lowerouse)fhe Dutch Parliament isurrently debatingnillomendhe Dutch Gasct (\"Gaswet\")nd Electricityct 1998 (Elektriciteitswet 1998)...
South Africa’s1998 Energy Policy White Paperand the newElectricity Regulation Amendment Actpromote access to affordable electricity. However, they’ve been implemented very slowly. Affordable electricity needs to be taken seriously. The question is whether the country’s electricity ...
The term ‘month’ has been replaced with the term ‘cycle’ in the amendment which is crucial for wind and solar energy generators. “In Tamil Nadu, the banking facility (to keep the excess energy produced in the generators’ account to be compensated later) is provided for a year. ...
Fourteen years after the last amendment to the Electricity Act, currently, the focus of the amendment is on competition and compliance. Electricity regulatory commissions hold the key to take this forward. The commissions should be built as strong institutions and their autonomy should be respected ...
To address these concerns, legislators in the 2004 amendment to the Act created the Expert Panel and made it responsible for resolving ELDC's internal conflicts and those related to regulatory decisions. The Panel, comprised of seven professionals chosen by the Tribunal for the Defense of Free ...
However, in April 2019, Taiwanese Parliament passed an amendment to the 2009 RE Act and introduced an RPS scheme for large electricity users to promote the 2025 energy transition and nuclear-free homeland policy. This is not only the first policy of this type worldwide, but also the most ...
Electricity Amendment Act 46 of 1994doi:Act 46 of 1994
Electricity Amendment Act 4 of 1968 [Repealed]doi:Act 4 of 1968