The National Electricity Rules are amended as set out in Schedule 1. In addition the relevant clauses of the Indian Electricity Act 1910 and Indian Electricity Rules 1956 as amended upto date shall also apply. These Rules (the Rules) are called the National Electricity Rules. The National Elect...
Case S-0001-14 Electricity Safety Standards and Rules URA electricity standards and rules regulating works and safety of persons in the vicinity of electricity grids December 2014 --- The Rules and the 1st Amendment have been approved by the Utilities Regulatory Authority and gazetted...
indian electricity rules 2012 pdfindian electricity rule
Figure 1 shows the somewhat complex sequential approach which Applicants will now have to step through as they determine their eligibility for MBRs. Proceeding from the leftmost box in the figure, the first choice is between the pre-specified tests and a customized...