Some weights of the model checkpoint at hfl/chinese-electra-small-ex-generator were not used when initializing BertForMultiTaskClassification: ['electra.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight', 'electra.embeddings.position_embeddings.weight', 'electra.embeddings.token_type_embeddings.weight', 'electra.embedding...
使用Flask部署,以调用服务的形式测速,速度为 BERT-base+CRF:4600字/秒 Albert_small+CRF:21000字/秒 Electra_small+CRF:16000字/秒 为了增强训练效果,我们使用了金融新闻作为预训练数据,在开源发布的两个中文模型Albert_small和Electra_small基础之上进行预训练,训练后对下游任务的训练速度和效果都有提升(5个点召回...
View Active Events Strick_ailkes· Updated2 years ago arrow_drop_up0 New Notebook file_downloadDownload more_vert chinese-electra-180g-small-discriminator Data CardCode (0)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0) Discussions notificationsFollowarrow_drop_down ...
Electra is the full-electric evolution of the SmallGEO satellite family. It is being developed in a public-private-partnership with ESA and SES: OHB System AG is leading the Electra platform development and acts as satellite prime under contract by SES. SES is leading the Electra program in ...
My sister Electra was leaving a small shop. She was pushing a shopping cart and trying to put the change into her pocket at the same time. While she was doing this, she dropped a quarter. Carefully she bent over to pick it up. To her surprise, an old man walked towards her. With ...
My sister Electra was leaving a small shop. She was puts shopping cart( 购物车)and trying to get the change into her pocket at the same time. While she was doing this, she dropped a quarter(25分硬币). Carefully she bent over to pick it up. To her surprise, an old man walked ...
Electra LH Small Caps & Oldstyl首页 风格 样张 资讯 点评 全部 Regular Bold预设文本 48 自适应 前景色 背景色 重置 ElectraLH-RegularSC Regular 001.001 字体下载 ElectraLH-BoldSC Bold 001.001 字体下载 首页 关于 帮助 反馈 公告 中文版 English 识字体 移动版 桌面版 © 2009-2025 字客网 ...
Font version:Version 001.001 ; ttfautohint (v1.5);com.myfonts.easy.mti.electra-lh.regular-small-caps-and-oldstyle-figures.wfkit2.version.td6 Characters:262 Glyphs:231 Company:1000 Word weight:Normal Word width:Medium (normal) written words:Latin, Symbols, Greek ...
爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的electraloaf: 小火花从钢丝特斯拉线圈, 电气(electraloaf: small sparks from coil to wire tesla, electrical), 本站编号31414573, 该音效专辑素材大小为8m, 时长为00:50, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质, 比特率为1411k, 采样率为44100k,...
My sister Electra was leaving a small shop. She was pushing a shopping cart (手推车) and trying to put the change (找零) into her pocket at the same time. While she was doing this, she dropped a quarter (25分硬币). Carefully she bent over to pick it up. To her surprise, an old...