Melina is a mysterious, spectral girl who is the deuteragonist of Elden Ring. She offers an alliance with the Tarnished to help them on their journey. Melina has long observed the Lands Between.[1] She was born at the foot of the Erdtree.[2][3] She is a
The Snow Witch is a character mentioned in Elden Ring. The Snow Witch is the name of an old crone who Lunar Princess Ranni met in the woods.[1] She used cold sorceries, which she taught to Ranni, in addition to teaching her to fear the dark moon.[2] Afte
菈妮(星星时代)-在「宁姆格福」的「艾雷教堂」(晚上)与「菈妮」对话,获得「召魂铃x1」。 (如果错过菈妮,或没能触发此剧情,可到「大赐福」的铃珠商人「孪生老妪」购买「召魂铃」。) -前往「盖利德大道南方」,一路向东南,经过「广场前房间」到达「红狮子城(广场)」,在「卡利亚城寨」击杀BOSS「格雷塔...
胜利后传送出监牢后和旁边的「布莱泽」对话至重复。 - 激活史东薇尔城BOSS「恶兆妖鬼」雾门前的金色符文,召唤「“魔法师”罗杰尔」一起战斗。 - 在开放大赐福后,一个房间的床上可以找到「菲雅」,对话后选择“接受拥抱”、“说悄悄话”。 - 在圆桌厅堂找到「D」(之前也可以在「水唤村」遇到,但击败「恶兆妖鬼」...
《艾尔登法环》BWIKI是一个玩家共同建立维护的中文资料汇总站,致力于无偿提供各类相关资料内容,让玩家快速查到丰富准确的游戏资料。 诚邀法环同好加入《艾尔登法环》BWIKI编辑组,共同建设本WIKI。 编辑组Q群:790953450 【编辑须知!请勿擅自修改他人页面,请及时和页面作者沟通或在评论区留言,在页面乱写无意义信息会...
Fextralife forums | RPGs, Elden Ring, BG3, Pathfinder, Nioh, Sekiro, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and more
Elden Ring is an action role-playing game (ARPG) that has a new open-world plot with a bigger world and more freedom to explore. - eldenringwiki
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set within a world full of mystery and peril. Unravel the mysteries of the Elden Ring’s power. Encounter adversaries with profound backgrounds, characters with their own unique motivations for helping or hindering your progress, and fearsome creatures. If you have played other FromSoftware games ...
艾尔登法环 Mod [Elden Ring] 《艾尔登法环(Elden Ring)》是一款由FromSoftware开发,万代南梦宫娱乐发行的魂系动作角色扮演游戏。本作是由游戏制作人宫崎英高与奇幻小说家乔治·R·R·马丁共同创作。游戏于2022年2月25日发行,有PS4、PS5、Windows、Xbox One、Xbox Series X/S等版本。