New update: Ripped and cleaned straight from Smithbox, this includes both the DLC as well as character models as well. The sorting follows how it was sorted in the json file there. Also kept the male and female separate in case someone wanted to copy the file name and paste it in searc...
Find Millicent at Mountaintop of the Giants The next part of the Millicent Questline takes place on the Mountaintop of Giants in Elden Ring. You’ll find Millicent at the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace. Once at the location, talk to her. During the conversation, Millicent will te...
Don't expect the great stats you'd get from the classic minimalist female JRPG armor. March 20, 2022 Masters ofElden Ringare already breaking the game inevery imaginable shape and form in order to beat it, so it should come as no surprise that people who've led expeditions to the heart...
and even an astrologer. When players are choosing avatars, the characters appear as Type A or Type B, as opposed to male or female assigned to body figures. Each character varies in story background and skills or weapons they utilize. For example, a confessor is a well versed church spy ...