After speaking with her, interact with the Two Fingers to receive the“Rapture”emote. While you’re here if you gave theChrysalid’s Mementoto Roderika atStormhill Shack(you can leave and do this now then come back) she will now be over by the fireplace in the main room. Speak to her...
Enia –A finger crone who is beside the two fingers. She can only be met after defeating your first demigod. She is useful as you can buy the equipment and armor of the bigger bosses from her. Twin Maiden Husks –It’s not really an NPC as they are just a point to purchase items...
If another player uses a White Cipher Ring and you're ready, you're brought into their world to help them defend against a third invader. If you're invading, we advise you to play fair - a lot of players make sure to announce themselves and even emote a little bow or wave before ...