Blaidd is one of the many NPCs that you will encounter when exploring the world of Elden Ring. You can find him pretty early on in the game and start going through this questline. In this Elden Ring guide, we are going to go over how you can find Blaidd and complete his quest line....
How to get the Erudition Emote Gesture? The first thing you need is the Erudition Emote, one of the manygesturesfound in Elden Ring. This gesture requires you to get to the academy and get a secondGlintstone Keyto give to Sorcerer Thops in theChurch of Irith. The biggest part is gettin...
2 How To Get To Roundtable Hold 3 What Can You Find In Roundtable Hold? 4 Other Thing Of Note In The Roundtable Hold 5 How To Get Back To Roundtable Hold 6 Final Thoughts This post was last updated on February 1, 2025 It’s no secret that Elden Ring is a deadly game with few...
Elden Ring PvP is done either through Invasions, where you appear in other people's games, or the Colosseum for arena matches.
Elden Ring DLC: Shadow of the Erdtree - How to Defeat Furnace Golems With the Scadu Altus region being as dense as it is, there’s a lot of secrets hiding in the eastern half of the region, including amajor side quest hub, anotherentrance into the Shadow Keep, and analternate path ...
Elden Ring Stromveil Castle full Walkthrough. This shows how to get through Stormveil Castle, defeat the Godrick boss, and all side areas.
What to do with both Academy Glintstone keys in Elden Ring? Once you’ve got both keys, head southwest into the church of Irith, talk to Thops, and hand him the second key, in return he’ll give you an emote called Erudition. Make your way to the tower at the very end, when you...
In Elden Ring only Armaments can be upgraded, not armor, similar to how Darks Souls 3 and Bloodborne function, so you should only worry about the base stats of the armor you obtain. Armaments are upgraded usingSmithing Stonesfor normal weapons (which can upgrade to +25), orSomber Smithing...
This has to be bugged. Invaded at the freezing lake, huge area so it should be easy to not get spotted with this right? Instead, the host (from like a mile away) beelines directly towards me and uses the wave emote. To be clear, I was not using trick mirrors, visual buffs, black...
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree is live! Gaming Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is an absolute blast Published on October 11, 2024 By Rodneil Quiteles When I was a lot younger, I really, really wanted to become a Super Saiyan. While I still haven’t completely given up, I’m glad BANDAI...