13:05 比老头环更难(补档)【WinterTommy】《和平之怒》- This is HARDER than ELDEN RING 2022.3.24 05:23 在一周内退款此DLC(补档)【WinterTommy】《黎明杀鸡》- 7 days to refund this DLC 2022.2.17 13:51 神级追踪者(补档)【WinterTommy】《黎明杀机》- GOD Tier Nemesis 2021.7.17 13:35 【...
Elden Ring's first legendary player earned Reddit fame in April by defeating Malenia, the game's fiercest boss, in 1v1 bouts. Let Me Solo Her player KleinTsuboiOW posted the basics of their build on Reddit, which you can see above. Unfortunately this equipment won't grant you the preternat...
based on in-house testing and asking the community, all playstyles are viable inElden Ringand classes merely provide a framework for early playthroughs. This list ranks the classes based on starting stats and equipment for the first few areas—likeLimgraveand Liurnia of the Lakes...