2022 has had its fair share of amazing video games, from the extremely challengingElden Ringto the fun and lightheartedMultiVersus, among other games. Gamers worldwide certainly have no end in video game content, from this year and in years past. With a long history spanning decades and hundr...
the gold Legendary barrel stabilizer. We know that this component has other effects because it’s legendary, making it useful beyond its usual purpose of reducing bullet scatter, but we’re just going to focus on what this thing does for ...
−0%|ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree PS4 & PS5| 449 kr| 449 kr| PS5, PS4|[GO ⇒](https://psprices.com/region-no/game/6947441/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-ps4-ps5) −-43%|DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT - Goku's Next Journey| 155 kr| 108,50 kr| PS5, PS4|[GO ⇒]...
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I think this site may break or stop updating soon due to Reddit's API changes. I don't earn any money from this site, and if my calculations are correct it'd cost me a couple thousand dollars per month with their new API pricing, so yeah. If you can, it's probably worth leaving...
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