How to Find Three Fingers in Elden Ring? As the Three Fingers directly oppose the rule of the Greater Will and Two Fingers, they are hidden quite well in the game. Three Fingers can be found in the Cathedral of the Forsaken, at the bottom of theSubterranean Shunning Grounds. These can b...
Elden Ring Hyetta Questline Guide: All Locations and Steps You’ll meet Hyetta rather early on in your quest, in the region ofLiurniato start. Below is a summary walkthrough for Hyetta’s questline, with focus given to key rewards and items along the way. Step 1: Meet Hyetta in Li...
This Elden Ring hub isa work in progressthat will be updated as we create more guides and walkthroughs. If you don’t yet see what you’re looking for, save this page and come back later. If you’re on a computer,I highly recommend using the “Ctrl + F” functionto do a specific...
Elden Ring Guide is a complete walkthrough, the best Begginer's Guide, tips for all bosses, combat, Spectral Steed, mixing Wondrous Elixir. We describe Ashes of War, game variants, trophies and system requirements.
In this Elden Ring walkthrough, we cover every major area and boss in the order that you must do to beat Elden Ring.
After getting into the hole, you’ll be in a room with Ranni’s body and Two Fingers. Now, interact with her and deliver her the Dark Moon Ring. The hustle now comes to an end, and you’ll get the Dark Moon Greatsword after a short while. ...
This ravine is filled withGiant Land Squirts, which also explode similarly to their lesser counterpart when exposed to poison. Make your way northeast through the ravine until you spot aGolden Seedprotected by three Giant Land Squirts, as well as a village with a house containing aSmithing Stone...
Elden Ring has a roster of NPC quests that you can complete for unique weapons, armor and more. Here's a walkthrough of all NPC side quests in the game.
Elden Ring Three Fingers ending This is Elden Ring's 'bad' ending, even worse than the Blessing of Despair, since you basically burn the Erdtree and reality with it, unleashing the Frenzied Flame of the Three Fingers. If you got the Frenzied Flame from beneath the Subterranean Shunning-Groun...
To get the Ronin’s set you need to kill Shabiri at the Zamor Ruins in the Mountaintops of the Giants before accepting the flame of frenzy. If you’ve met with the three fingers, the armour will appear without you having to meet Shabiri. ...