Want to know about Elden Ring endings and how to do them? There are quite a few different ways to end your time in the Lands Between, so here's each outcome.
You have to make your way through the Lake of Rot, You’ll have to descend and you’ll reach a boss area. You’ll have to defeat Astell natural born of the void. You’ll have to keep moving and you’ll find an elevator going up. You have to make your way up to the elevator a...
Once you reach the room, open the treasure chest to obtain the Fingerslayer Blade. If you can’t open the treasure chest or it says that you are not destined to open it, this means you haven’t started Ranni’s Questline yet. Return to her at the Three Sisters and enter her service...
Find Varré at the Rose Church entrance. By now you should have spoken to Enia, the Finger Reader as part of the story. Answer his question with this response: “The Two Fingers seemed off.“ He gives you five “Festering Bloody Fingers” to invade enemy players. Use three of them (i...
A formless seal bestowed by the maiden of Three Fingers, the Frenzied Flame Seal inElden Ringenhances the Frenzied Flame incantations. This seal comes with no weight and no stats requirements, making it an ideal weapon for the Faith/Intelligence builds ...
“Ancestral Woods”. From there jump over to the rooftops and jump from one roof to the next until you reach the bottom area with some buildings, called Night’s Sacred Ground. At the end of the path in a chest you find the item “Fingerslayer Blade” which you must bring back to ...
Elden Ring has a roster of NPC quests that you can complete for unique weapons, armor and more. Here's a walkthrough of all NPC side quests in the game.
Alternatively, if you’ve sided with the Three Fingers, while resting at the Forge of the Giants Site of Grace, select the option‘Listen to the sound of the flames’ resulting in a different cut scene but ultimately lets you reach Crumbling Farum Azula. The Four Belfries There is one wa...
To reach Mohg through Varre’s questline: Speak to White Mask Varre by theFirst StepSite of Grace. Kill any Demigodto claim their Great Rune—the closest is Godrick. Speak to Varre by theRose Churchin Liurnia. He gives you fiveFestering Bloody Fingers. Use three to invade other player...
Your next task is to meet him at the Rose Church and hear all of his dialogue until you receive five Festering Bloody Fingers. These can be used to conduct invasions – do three of them to proceed to the next step. Don’t worry about failing – completing the invasions is enough to ...