近日国外Reddit论坛用户jjlove1785分享了疑似《Elden Ring》的宣传物料,这位朋友似乎在Gamestop上班,一起来看看现场截图!目前这些宣传物料已经被挂上墙了,上面还有“COMING SOON”的字样。当然没有更多实质性消息,也没有出现游戏海报,或许只是占位宣传而已。让我们期待官方能早日公布《Elden Ring》发售日期。《Elden ...
reddit上有人推..reddit上有人推测,elden ring长达十一个月的静默期,背后的原因有可能是因为商标竞争。不过万代已经争取到了elden ring的商标,并且正好前两天是商标可以开始使用,就出现了白天那个黑魂
https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/rtz11y/edge_magazine_elden_ring_interview_in_full/ 放失效备一个链接: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/rqe7ai/preview_of_the_interview_with_miyazaki_that_will/ 北尾泰大:“魂系列”游戏与开放世界的结合 时间:2022年2月9日 (索尼互娱与...
在《Elden Ring:Shadow of the Erdtree》DLC中,一个关于Elden Ring的子版块讨论揭示了玩家最喜欢和最不喜欢的土地。许多Reddit用户指出,Shadow Keep是最受欢迎的,而Abyssal Woods是最不受欢迎的 。 币界网报道: 在《Elden Ring:Shadow of the Erdtree》DLC中,一个关于Elden Ring的子版块讨论揭示了玩家最喜欢和...
Square Enix Says it Will “Shift to a Multiplatform Strategy” "We will create a global environment that allows more customers to enjoy our major franchises and AAA titles, ... Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16 Sales “Did Not Meet Our Expectations” – Square Enix Though both...
A recent update on the backend of Steam hints towards the possibility of news regarding the highly anticipated Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree dropping very soon. After a long silence since the announcement of Shadow of the Erdtree about a year ago,
We gave Elden Ring a 9.8 back at launch. The Shadow of the Erdtree expansion is releasing onJune 21st, 2024. Shadow of the Erdtree takes place in The Land of Shadow, with a new enemy known as Messmer the Impaler being shown off in the upcoming Collector’s Edition release. ...
这正是 Reddit 用户 u/Lawlknight在 NG+ 上再次玩Elden Ring时所做的。当 Reddit 用户再次来到永恒之城 Nokron 时,这是 Ranni 任务线中游戏中巨大但完全可以错过的区域之一。达到现在标志性的模拟撕裂老板战斗后,u/Lawlknight 在 Reddit 上以喜剧方式重述了他们在召唤战斗时目睹的情况,他们自己的 +10 模拟撕...
This page is mostly based on the Bestiary Index from the English Official Elden Ring Strategy Guide by Future Press [1] for both how enemy variants are distinguished between each other and their listed names. However, it's important to note that the strategy guide should not be considered com...
这一周以来高强度法环的同时,看留言的乐趣也是必不可少,什么“死,马”,“草”,层出不穷,搞笑的同时,我就注意到这么一种留言,里面对“边界”一词进行了各种组合 在中文语境下我看不懂,于是我就意识到这是英文梗(我在贴吧发帖问了,也没啥人回复),在reddit上发了帖子...(塑料英语别介意) 于是得到了很好的...