After three invasions, Varre will ask players to join forces with the Bloody Lord, Mohg. Once players agree to “fly straight and true,” the invitation he’ll give them a Lord of Blood’s Favor and ask them to soak it in maiden’s blood. There are three ways to do this:...
Say you want Varré to anoint you as a servant of Mohg. He asks you to soak a cloth in Maiden’s Blood. The easiest place to get the blood is the Church of Inhibition in northern Liurnia (see picture two). Interact with the dead maiden inside the church, next to the main statue....
the tutorial boss of the game. Once done, run to the chapel and as you enter inside, look to the left side to find a dead maiden. Interact with her to soak the cloth in blood. Now, go back to Varre at the Rose Church and speak with him. ...
You cankill Irinaon your way to Castle Morne in the southeastern Limgrave. Once she is dead, use her blood to soak the cloth. However, this will lock you out of both Irina’s and Edgar’s Questlines. 3. Church of Inhibition The final way to dye the blood of a maiden’s blood is...
Elden Ring Maiden Blood Locations To complete Lord of Blood’s Favor, you need to find Maiden Blood and then soak a piece of white cloth in the blood. Here are two locations, you can find Maiden Blood in Elden Rings; Maiden Blood at Chapel of Anticipation ...
Your next step is to soak it with a maiden’s blood. This can be done in three ways: First, go to The Four Belfries in the northwest and look for the second tallest belfry. You’ll have to fight a Grafted Scion but once that’s done, walk up to the Chapel of Anticipation. This...
Return to the chapel where the game began once that is taken care of. The deceased maiden is there, on the left side, sitting on the ground. You must opt for “dye cloth with maiden’s blood” to collect the virgin blood from Elden Ring Maiden Blood Location. ...
Use the bloody fingers obtained from here to defeat the other players. Now, returning to Varre and talking to him, you will get a cloth that you need to soak into Maiden’s Blood. You can do this by going to Four Belfiries in Liurnia of the Lakes and approaching the last shrine at...
You will receive Lord of Blood’s Favor, and to get the medal, you need to find the blood of a maiden to soak the cloth. The best way to do that is to go to theChurch of Inhibitionor teleport from Four Belfies to the start of the game to soak the cloth. The Church of Inhibitio...