returning to Varre and talking to him, you will get a cloth that you need to soak into Maiden’s Blood. You can do this by going to Four Belfiries in Liurnia of the Lakes and approaching the last shrine at the top of village. Here, you will find a chest from which you can grab...
The Bloodsoaked armor set is found in two locations. The Bloodsoaked Mask and Bloodsoaked Manchettes can be looted from the ground in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds accessed through the sewers in the Capital. The Bloodsoaked Mask and Bloodsoaked Manchettes are on the ground on the right sid...
bd_m_2490.partsbnd.dcx - Bloodsoaked Tabardhd_m_2500.partsbnd.dcx - Sacred Crown Helmbd_m_2500.partsbnd.dcx - Ivory-Draped Tabardhd_m_2530.partsbnd.dcx - Omensmirk Maskbd_m_2530.partsbnd.dcx - Omenkiller Robeam_m_2530.partsbnd.dcx - Omenkiller Long Gloveslg_m_2530.partsbnd.dcx ...
Bloodsoaked Set Blue Cloth Set Blue Festive Set Blue Silver Set Briar Set Bull-Goat Set Carian Knight Set Chain Set Champion Set Cleanrot Set Common Soldier Set Commoner's Set Confessor Set Consort's Set Crucible Axe Set Crucible Tree Set Cuckoo Knight Set Dancer's Set Death Knight Set Depr...
Return to the Chapel of Anticipation through the gateway at The Four Belfries and soak the favor in the blood of the corpse in the church. Kill Hyetta and soak the favor in her blood. Once the favor has been soaked, players should return it to Varre and have them anoint them...
Bloodsoaked Mask Black Dumpling Mushroom Head Mushroom Crown Collapse 2 Astrologer Hood Juvenile Scholar Cap Karolos Glintstone Crown Olivinus Glintstone Crown Twinsage Glintstone Crown Witch's Glintstone Crown Lazuli Glintstone Crown Haima Glintstone Crown Hierodas Glintstone Crown Spellblade's Pointe...
Whichever source of blood you decide on, you’ll need to return to Varre yet again to give him the blood-soaked Favor. He finally inducts you into the Order and take your finger for good measure, leaving you with the Pureblood Knight’s Medal. Finally! You can now use this item to...
Bloodsoaked Set Blue Cloth Set Briar Set Bull-Goat Set Carian Knight Set Chain Set Commoners of the Lands Between Set Champion Set Confessor Set Crucible Set Elden Lord Set Erdtree Capital Set Errant Sorcerer Set Exile Set Finger Maiden Set ...
Elden Ring has a roster of NPC quests that you can complete for unique weapons, armor and more. Here's a walkthrough of all NPC side quests in the game.
Elden Ring Where To Find Raging Wolf Set Armor, and the Best Builds to use with Raging Wolf Set in Elden Ring.