Festering Bloody Finger (2000 Runes) Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 2 (2000 Runes) Volcano Manor Merchant Locations Home to a shard bearer and devourer of gods, Volcano Manor, is an extremely bleak place in the Western region of the Altus Plateau. Two merchants can be found in this place...
Look for the corpse of a maiden and interact with it to bloody the cloth. Alternatively, you can go to the Church of Inhibition to the northeast, near the Grand Lift. There will be a dead maiden here as well and you can wipe the cloth with her blood. The third method is to kill ...
Use the bloody fingers obtained from here to defeat the other players. Now, returning to Varre and talking to him, you will get a cloth that you need to soak into Maiden’s Blood. You can do this by going to Four Belfiries in Liurnia of the Lakes and approaching the last shrine at...
Ruler’s Mask, Ruler’s Robe – Atlus Plateau: Abandoned Coffin– Straight ahead from this site of grace on a corpse hanging from one of the carts Okina Mask – Mountaintops of the Giants: Church of Repose– Dropped by the NPC invader “Bloody Finger Okina” in front of the Church of R...
The Blue Cloth armor set is the starting armor for the Warrior class. Alternatively it can be purchased from the Isolated Merchant in Raya Lucaria, behind the glowing wall to the south of the entrance site of grace. Perks: Poise 33
you need toinvade three worlds. It does not matter if you win, lose, or even close the session by leaving their world, it would still count as an invasion for the quest. To use the Festering Bloody Finger, head over to any place in the Lands Between and open the inventory to use it...
Blue Cloth Vest (1500 Runes) Warrior Gauntlets (1000 Runes) Warrior Greaves (1000 Runes) Sacrificial Twigt (3000 Runes) Note: Revenants (800 Runes) Note: Frenzied Flame Village (800 Runes) Miriel, Pastor of Vows Liurnia of the Lakes: Church of Vows – found inside the church on the left...
He gives you five “Festering Bloody Fingers” to invade enemy players. Use three of them (it doesn’t matter if you win or lose), then speak to Varré again. Say you want Varré to anoint you as a servant of Mohg. He asks you to soak a cloth in Maiden’s Blood. ...
Nomadic Merchant- Found just north of Fort Haight West on the side of the road. A glowing sign will show the way. They sell the Festering Bloody Finger, Sliver of Meat, Beast Liver, Lump of Flesh, Trina's Lily, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook 5, Armorer's Cookbook 3, Hand Axe, Arrows,...
You'll soon be invaded by Bloody Finger Okina when you get closer to the entrance—don't underestimate him as he is one of the strongest NPC Invaders in the game. He drops his katana, the Rivers of Blood, and his mask upon defeat. You can also find an Ancient Dragon Smithi...