I must be making some silly mistake in my code, In my head this should work but the timer works a bit too fast ( I want to get time left in seconds). My code: timeElapsed = 0; timeLeft = 60; //delta = time it took to get through one frame (60 fps). timeElapsed += delt...
delay -= min(globalClockDelta.localElapsedTime(timestamp, bits=32), delay)ifnotdelay:return# If we are currently displaying chat text, we need to "stomp" it. In# other words, we need to clear the current chat text, pause for a# brief moment, and then display the new...
importClockfrom'@colyseus/clock';varclock=newClock();setInterval(function(){clock.tick();console.log("Delta time: ",clock.deltaTime);console.log("Elapsed time: ",clock.elapsedTime);console.log("Current time: ",clock.currentTime);},1000/60); ...
A、返回自上一次调用getDelta函数以来流逝的时间(秒) B、返回自时钟启动以来总共流逝的时间(秒) C、返回自上次调用getElapsedTime函数以来流逝的时间(秒) D、返回当前时间 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 下列关于相对磁导率的说法中,不正确的是( )。 A. ...
Given the audio media recorder setup: const { status, startRecording, stopRecording, mediaBlobUrl } = useReactMediaRecorder({ audio: true }); How do I get the time elapsed in real time during recording?Author VincentLu91 commented Sep 4, 2024 nvm, figured it out VincentLu91 closed this...