elapsed time 美[ɪˌlæpst ˈtaɪm] 英 un.经过时间;消逝时间;竞速比赛参加者实际所用时间 网络运行时间;经过的时间;已用时间 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 elapsed-time n. 1. (一项工程的)实耗时间;(计算机一次操作的)运行时间used to describe the time that passes between the start and...
I must be making some silly mistake in my code, In my head this should work but the timer works a bit too fast ( I want to get time left in seconds). My code: timeElapsed = 0; timeLeft = 60; //delta = time it took to get through one frame (60 fps). timeElapsed += delt...
sum(elapsed_time_delta) elap, sum(cpu_time_delta) cput, sum(executions_delta) exec, sum(iowait_delta) iowt from dba_hist_sqlstat where /*dbid = &dbid*/ instance_number = &instance_number and &begin_snap_id < snap_id and snap_id <= &end_snap_id group by sql_id ) sqt, dba_...
6.Elapsed Time: 928. 消耗时间:928。 7.Calculates the elapsed time as a delta of the two measurements. 将运行时间作为两次度量的增量计算出来。 8.Money will not be able to return the time that has elapsed. 钱不可能令流逝的时间重返。
Elapsed Time:指SQL语句执行的总时间,包括CPU时间和等待时间(Wait Time)。这个时间不是单次SQL执行的时间,而是在监控范围内该SQL所有执行次数的总时间。 SQL ordered by Elapsed Time:按照SQL语句的Elapsed Time从长到短排序,从而识别出执行时间总和最长的SQL语句。这有助于数据库管理员识别性能瓶颈,优化SQL执行。2...
(EM)Elapsed: 0.027...(delta): 6465.61 3 (QN/Block)Elapsed: 0.15 Loglikelihood: -21524.3 (delta): 3066.49 4...(QN/Block)Elapsed: 0.134 Loglikelihood: -20417.1 (delta): 1107.22 5 (QN/Block)Elapsed...8 (QN/Block)Elapsed: 0.132 Loglikelihood: -19708.2 (delta): 17.8477 9 (QN/Block)...
(cpu_time_delta)cput,sum(executions_delta)exec,to_char(min(ss.BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')asbegin_time,to_char(max(ss.END_INTERVAL_TIME),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')asend_timefromdba_hist_sqlstat s,DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOTsswheres.dbid=1766956972and s.instance_number=1...
}doublet2 =elapsed_time(); update_window();charbuf[100];sprintf(buf,"Time Aliased=%.2fms Time Anti-Aliased=%.2fms", t1, t2); message(buf); } } 开发者ID:GordonSmith,项目名称:agg,代码行数:29,代码来源:rasterizers.cpp 示例2: encode ...
sum(elapsed_time_delta) elap, sum(cpu_time_delta) cput, sum(executions_delta) exec from dba_hist_sqlstat where dbid = &dbid and instance_number = &inst_num and &beg_snap < snap_id and snap_id <= &end_snap group by sql_id ) sqt, ...
So far what I've done is subscribing to the Scenes Update event and using the delta time to calculate the elapsed time myself. But this is quite error prone and tends to break when I present the scene a second time (e.g closing and reopening to AR experience). The only other option...