The El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon is a recurrent feature of the climate in tropical regions. In this volume leading experts summarize information gained over the past decade concerning diverse aspects of ENSO, which have led to marked improvements in our ability to forecast its dev...
3 el nino and the southern oscillation is by far the most striking phenomenon caused by the interplay of ocean and atmosphere. it can be explained neither in strictly oceanographic nor strictly meteorological terms. this volume provides a brief history of the subject, summarizes the oceanographic ...
图书El Nino, La Nina, and the Southern Oscillation, Volume 46 (International Geophysics) 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
This chapter examines the various aspects of the southern oscillation (SO) and El Nino. Over the tropical Pacific Ocean, the SO is associated with large year-to-year variations in the intensity of the trade winds and in rainfall patterns. The SO also has a signature that extends into the ...
century: The SST anomalies in the Nino3 region (150°W-90°W, 5°S-5°N) and Nino4 region (160°E-150°W, 5°S-5°N), and the zonal wind anomalies in the Nino4 region. Based on Fig. 1, several points can be made. First, the SST and ...
•尼诺3.4区海温指数(NINO3.4 Index):计算东太平洋特定海域(5°N-5°S,120°W-170°W)的平均海表温度偏离长期平均值的程度。 •南方涛动指数(Southern Oscillation Index, SOI):基于太平洋地区两个气象站(塔希提和达尔文)的海平面气压差,反映沃克环流的强度。 现代气象学和海洋学利用卫星遥感、海洋浮标、气象...
evolution of the MJO and based on the latest observational evidence and model forecasts we expect the MJO to remain weak during the upcoming 1-2 week period. As always, close monitoring of the MJO is necessary to identify signatures of a more coherent MJO signal. ...
A Theory for El Nino and the Southern Oscillation MARK A. CANE,STEPHEN E. ZEBIAK - 《Science》 - 1985 - 被引量: 770 An overview of coupled-atmosphere model of El Nino and the Southern Oscillation MCCREARY,J. P - 《J.geoph...
causes the seesaw between the wind fields in the two areas, and the seesaw of wind fields results in the seesaw of SST between Indonesia and the Equatorial Eastern Pacific.El Nino is the response of ocean to the forcing of monsoon system in the Indian Ocean and the trade system in the ...