As a quick reference, refer to the updated EITC table below to see if you may qualify for the Earned Income Credit. You can also launch the EITCucator to get a more accurate answer. The table below is organized by filing status and AGI criteria based on the number of dependents*. Earne...
Earn less than the maximum adjusted gross income (AGI).Check out theEITC tableto learn what the maximum AGI is—based on the number of children or relatives claimed when filing. Earn less than the maximum investment income.The investment income limit for the 2022 tax year is $10,000 or le...
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): Size and Characteristics of the Cash Assistance Caseload, by Gene Falk. Congressional Research Service 3 The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): Legislative History Table 1. Key Characteristics of the EITC Under Selected Laws, 1975-2009 ...
Table 2, Implications for social welfare Having shown that the EITC largely pays for itself in a budgetary sense, we now consider the EITC’s impact on social welfare. Since the EITC is funded through tax revenue—leading to deadweight loss—and requires recipients to work—leading to work dis...
9. Disentangling the zero effects 10. Discussion and conclusion Code availability statement CRediT authorship contribution statement Appendix A. Supplementary data Data availability ReferencesShow full outline Figures (6) Tables (2) Table 1 Table 2 Extras (1) MMC S1Labour...