(2022) 12:18984 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23512-2 3 Vol.:(0123456789) www.nature.com/scientificreports/ Fshigouwrne i3n. t h(Ae )inTshetr.e(eBs)etpseoafkrceuprrreesnent tdaetnivseitcyu–rvroelntatgterarceelastfioornWshiTp,sR, (4C12) Mste,aadnydsGta4te06...
pchem in a strict manner, the lattice needs to be modified only b(Vy)aIwnsuhthbilisestitpthuaetpiNeornb, wosnietleryerpoenomrtathitnehseNuiamnscpihtaeac.ntTgooefdap;pcthphelmiysopcnchheetmhm,eitccharelysNtutaanlnssiittnreugicsitsuptraeerrtamianeldldyp'oCoclacaurmipzoiaedtdiiofbincyapt...
In the area described as P1 (Figure 3), three things in the spot seemed to guide the main behavior settings: the "Roulotte", used as a Kiosk, as it is very common in the entire Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REreVsIEeWarch area; the Football table; and the Board for board ...