Protein KinasesNuclear ProteinsPhylogenySignal TransductionMutationEthylene signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana converges on the ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3)/EIN3-Like (EIL) transcription factors to induce various responses. EIN3 BINDING F-BOX1 (EBF1...
EIN3-binding F-box proteinEthylene signalingF-box proteinFruitSlEBF2-likeTomatoEthylene signaling converges on the ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3)/EIN3-like (EIL) transcription factors to regulate a wide range of developmental processes in plants. EBF1/2 (EIN3-binding F-box protein 1 and 2) ...
Overexpression of an EIN3-binding F-box protein2-like gene caused elongated fruit shape and delayed fruit development and ripening in tomatoNo AbstractGuo, XiaokunZhang, YongTu, YunWang, YongzhongCheng, WenjingYang, YingwuPLANT SCIENCE -LIMERICK-...