Protein KinasesNuclear ProteinsPhylogenySignal TransductionMutationEthylene signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana converges on the ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3)/EIN3-Like (EIL) transcription factors to induce various responses. EIN3 BINDING F-BOX1 (EBF1...
他们同时发现,JA 信号通路中的重要转录因子 MYC2 可以和 EIN3 直接互作,抑制 EIN3 的转录活性,从而抑制 HLS1 的表达,最终影响了弯钩的形成【3】。另外,郭红卫课题组还发现,MYC2 可以和 F-box 基因 EIN3 BINDING F-BOX PROTEIN1 的启动子结合,诱导基因的表达,从而促进了 EIN3 蛋白的降解。此外,谢道昕课题...
EIN3 interacts with two F-box proteins (EBF1 and EBF2) and is degraded by the 26S proteasome5,16–19. Ubiquitin/proteasome- dependent protein degradation mediated by specific F-box proteins of the conserved SCF (SKP1/cullin/F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes has emerged as a ...
An F-box Protein EBF2 Mediates Feedback Regulation of Ethylene Signaling in Arabidopsis A plant hormone, ethylene, suppresses 26S proteasome-mediated proteolysis of the EIN3 transcription factor for ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis and allows... M Konishi,S Yanagisawa - 《Plant & Cell Physiology ...
他们同时发现,JA 信号通路中的重要转录因子 MYC2 可以和 EIN3 直接互作,抑制 EIN3 的转录活性,从而抑制 HLS1 的表达,最终影响了弯钩的形成【3】。另外,郭红卫课题组还发现,MYC2 可以和 F-box 基因 EIN3 BINDING F-BOX PROTEIN1 的启动子结合,诱导基因的表达,从而促进了 EIN3 蛋白的降解。此外,谢道昕课题...
图1 高等植物E IN 3/E IL s转录因子氨基酸N 端序列比对 F-box蛋白降解,诱导EIN 3/EIL 蛋白积累而使其稳定。 然而,D e Paepe 等 [28] 利用微阵列分析发现, 外源乙烯处理拟南芥后,EIL1 基因的表达受到显著 影响。随后,人们发现其他植物中一些EIN 3/EILs 在转录水平上也受到乙烯的调节。如外源乙烯处理 香...
Ethylene-induced stabilization of ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and EIN3-LIKE1 is mediated by proteasomal degradation of EIN3 binding F-box 1 and 2 that requires E... Plant responses to ethylene are mediated by regulation of EBF1/2-dependent degradation of the ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3) transcription...
Under salt stress, the calcium binding protein SOS3 senses the increase in cytosolic calcium concentration and then the SOS3-SOS2 protein kinase complex activates the SOS1 ion transporter, which pumps excess cytosolic sodium out of plant cells1,21,22. SCaBP8, an SOS3 homolog, is primarily ...
One was the three-dimen- sional structure of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of AtEIN3 protein (SMTL ID: 4zds.1), which is composed of six α-helices and five short helical turns [29]. The other was the three-dimensional structure of the DBD of AtEIL3 (SMTL ID: 1wij.1), which...
We designated these two F box proteins as EBF1 and EBF2 (for EIN3-binding F box protein 1 and 2). EBF1 was previously named as FBL6 with no function assigned (Xiao and Jang, 2000). These two proteins share 57% identity in amino acid sequence (Figure 4A), and each contains a ...