EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW 是Eigen C++ 模板库中的一个宏定义,用于在自定义的类中重载 new 操作符,以确保内存对齐。Eigen 库提供了一些高性能的线性代数运算,其中涉及到大量的动态内存分配。为了提高性能,Eigen 使用了自定义的内存分配器,并且要求动态分配的内存应该是对齐的。在 Eigen 中,“fixed-size vect...
typedef struct { EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW Eigen::Isometry3f isometry3F; string ros_topic; string tf_frame; vector<float> pose; ros::Subscriber subscriber; bool new_one_ = false; } lidar_cfg; EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW这个宏就是运算符new的对齐版本重载。 动态申请和按值传递定长向...
class Foo { ... Eigen::Vector4d v; ... public: EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW }; ... Foo *foo = new Foo; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. STL容器(如std::vector, std::map)包含Eigen数据结构,需要添加 Eigen::aligned_allocator,具体见 Eigen 官网 std::map<int...
注2:所描述的问题与使用无关std::shared_ptr。但对于 3.4.0 之前的 Eigen 版本,您可能需要使用它EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW来确保指针b正确对齐,无论架构和 C++17 为何;至少最初的Eigen 问题仅在3.4.0 中实现。但我在这一点上可能是错的。归档...
classFoo{Eigen::Vector2d v;public:EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW//此处添加宏定义};Foo*foo=newFoo; 2.STL容器或者手动内存分配 像std::map/std::vector重包含Eigen对象,例如 std::vector<Eigen::Matrix2f>my_vector;structmy_class{...Eigen::Matrix2f m;...};std::map<int,my_class>my_map; ...
struct PointXYZIRADT { PCL_ADD_POINT4D; float intensity; uint16_t ring; float azimuth; float distance; uint8_t return_type; double time_stamp; EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW } EIGEN_ALIGN16; Could you avoid the bug? Activity mojomex commented on Jun 2, 2024 mojomex on Jun 2, ...
While the question is about C++11 specifically, it is worth noting that a combination of the upcoming Eigen version 3.4 with a C++17 compliant compiler will free us from the need to use EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW and Eigen::aligned_allocator<T>. The former macro is actually even empty...
class PoseGraphNode { public: bool unimportant_variable; Eigen::Matrix4d mat; EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW }; void compute(PoseGraphNode &node); The size of this class will vary based on the compiler flags used: Compiler Flags sizeof(PoseGraphNode) -O2/-O3 144 -O2/-O3 -march=nativ...