普通EI(Regular Benefits) 重疾EI(Sickness Benefits) 怀孕或产假EI(Maternity and Parental Benefits) 陪护EI(Caregiving Benefits and Leave) 自雇EI(Benefits for the Self-Employed) 海外EI(Benefits for Canadians Living Abroad) 捕鱼业EI(Fishing Benefits) 对我们大多数人来说,最关心的还是普通失业导致的EI,所以...
针对由于生病,受伤,隔离没法工作。 Maternity and Parental Benefits 针对孕妇、最近刚刚做了父母或领养了小孩以及需要照顾新生儿的人士 Caregiving benefits and leave 针对那些要暂时离开工作岗位去照顾自己病危的家人的人士。 Benefits for the self-employed 自雇失业保险 Fishing benefits 如果你是从事渔业的自雇人士,则...
Changes Will Expand EI Sickness Benefits for Those on Parental LeaveChanges will expand EI for parents--OTTAWA - The federal government, under fire over tougher...Gerster, Jane
E) An employee who is on parental leave as provided under this Agreement who has applied for and is in receipt of EI parental benefits pursuant to Section 23 of theEI Act, shall be paid a supplemental unemployment benefit. More information regarding grading can be found in part two of this...
这些选项包括带薪假期(Vocation Pay)、联邦就业保险(EI)、病假工资(Sick Leave Pay)、工作场所安全保险索赔(workplace safety insurance claims)和短期残疾福利(short-term disability benefits)。 我可以强迫员工们去上班吗? 根据加拿大职业健康和安全的相关法规,如果员工有合理的理由相信他们的健康和安全受到威胁,他们有...
- Maternity and parental benefits - Caregiving benefits and leave - Fishing benefits - Benefits for the self-employed - Caregiving benefits and leave - View current or past claim - Employment Insurance tax slips (T4Es) - Consult the Benefits finder ...
Professional or employment history informationsuch as work history, prior employer, human resources data, and data necessary for administering benefits or related administrative services. Non-publicly available educational informationsuch as grade point average, report card and school transcript. ...
Sickness Benefits疾病保险 针对由于生病,受伤,隔离没法工作。Maternity and Parental Benefits 针对孕妇、...
EI benefits are offered by the Canadian government. These benefits include not only birthing and parental care benefits but also 26-weeks of compassionate care benefits, for those citizens who have to leave work to care for a dying loved one. ...