重疾EI(Sickness Benefits) 怀孕或产假EI(Maternity and Parental Benefits) 陪护EI(Caregiving Benefits and Leave) 自雇EI(Benefits for the Self-Employed) 海外EI(Benefits for Canadians Living Abroad) 捕鱼业EI(Fishing Benefits) 对我们大多数人来说,最关心的还是普通失业导致的EI,所以这篇文章主要讲讲普通EI。
Maternity and Parental Benefits 针对孕妇、最近刚刚做了父母或领养了小孩以及需要照顾新生儿的人士 Caregiving benefits and leave 针对那些要暂时离开工作岗位去照顾自己病危的家人的人士。 Benefits for the self-employed 自雇失业保险 Fishing benefits 如果你是从事渔业的自雇人士,则有机会申请渔工保险。 ✅什么时候申...
🔹 Caregiving benefit and leave陪护失业金 🔹 Maternity and parental benefit产假和父母假失业金 🔹 Sickness benefit病假失业金3️⃣ Better Jobs Ontario 🏠 适用于曾被临时解雇或已六个月以上找不到工作的低收入家庭申请人 🎓 2022年安省最新培训福利4月29日上线 👥 新移民、自雇、兼职人士均可申...
怀孕、父母保险( Maternity, Parental, and Sickness Benefits ):也就是本文中说的如果谢尔上台,可以免税的部分。是针对孕妇、最近刚刚做了父母或领养了小孩以及需要照顾新生儿的人士; 疾病保险:是付给那些由于疾病、受伤或需要隔离而不能工作的人士。 陪护保险和渔工保险因为较少涉及,所以暂不多做介绍。
EI/CPP InformationEmployment StandardsGarnisheesMaternity/Parental LeaveMinimum WageOvertimeReporting Pay Special Payments Stat Holiday PayTax Claim Codes Tax Credits Termination Notice Vacation Pay RatesVacationable Earnings Workers CompensationStatutory Holidays ...
- Maternity and parental benefits - Caregiving benefits and leave - Fishing benefits - Benefits for the self-employed - Caregiving benefits and leave - View current or past claim - Employment Insurance tax slips (T4Es) - Consult the Benefits finder ...
Parental benefits for parents (including birth mothers) away from work to care for a newborn or recently adopted child. Other eligibility criteria for maternity and parental benefits include: Providing proof of your baby’s due date, the baby’s birthdates or when your adopted child was...
Sickness Benefits疾病保险 针对由于生病,受伤,隔离没法工作。Maternity and Parental Benefits 针对孕妇、...