Incite, urge ahead, provoke, as inJack is always egging me on to drive faster, orSeemingly quiet, Margo actually eggs on Donald to quarrel with his staff. This expression has nothing to do with hen's eggs but comes from an Old Norse word,eggja, "to edge." Bothedge onandegg onwere ...
Her facial expression was flipped with a twisted smile and she fought off the pain Isa had been giving her from the breast feeding. "Go Raffe and when you blow it up, kill that horny fuck in the process!" She cheered Pietro one with her free hand, tossing it into the air. ...
It is suggested that this expression derives from a very old children's game called dibstones. This game, played with sheep knuckle-bones or pebbles, dates back at least to the 17th century (well, that's when the name first pops up in the written). The object was to capture one's op...