Conclusions The Idylla EGFR Mutation Test has reduced sensitivity for the T790M mutation compared with NGS and ddPCR methods. The presence of an invalid T790M amplification curve may indicate a possible false negative result that warrants further testing by an orthogonal method....
mutations). However, ctDNA testing is known to sometimes give false-negative results (meaning the mutation is present but not detected by the ctDNA testing). For this reason, the FDA recommends a tissue biopsy if the liquid biopsy is negative (doesn’t detect a sensitizing mutation). ...
采用突变扩增系统(amplification refractory mutation system,ARMS)检测肿瘤组织样本,采用微滴式数字聚合酶链反应(micro-drop digital polymerase chain reaction,ddPCR)检测配对的外周血循环肿瘤DNA(circulating tumor DNA, ctDNA)的EGFR表达...
egfr突变(EGFRmutation) EGFRmutations:"wrong"typedetectionisreliable? WangJie,BeijingCancerHospital,Departmentofchestoncology, SchoolofClinicalOncology,PekingUniversity ___ Intwenty-firstCenturythefieldoflungcancertherichest eventisfoundinthemilepostsignificanceofepidermalgrowth factorreceptor...
cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2产品名称,P120019 S016申请号,pma申请类型,ROCHE申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
bases. A statistical model was used to assess the significance of the observed counts for each variant and the information was integrated over the entire set of variants from an individual sample to obtain evidence of detected MRD (ctDNA positive) or undetected MRD (ctDNA negative) at the ...
If a sample that does not meet these QA criteria is EGFR mutation positive, and a standard EGFR mutation test has been carried out, the result can be reported as it is rare to have false positives. However, if a sample that does not meet these QA criteria is EGFR mutation negative, it...
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; by two-tailed Student’s t-test. Source data are provided as a Source data file. Full size image Our aforementioned results showed that FBXL2 is a key negative regulator of EGFR, we, therefore, investigated the effects of FBXL2 on...
Amongst the 6 discrepant specimens that were mutation-negative by cobasand positive by Sanger, 5 cases were rare L861Q mutations, which the cobas test is not designed to detect. In one case Sanger detected an insertion in exon 20 and was called wild-type by 454. PPA...
AURA3论文中,作者们不无遗憾地写下:” However, because of the high false negative rates with plasma ctDNA T790M testing, the analysis of a biopsy sample is recommended for patients with a plasma T790M-negative result who have disease progression after receiving first-line EGFR-TKI(但是,由于当前...