[7]Costa DB. Kinase inhibitor-responsive genotypes in EGFR mutated lung adenocarcinomas: moving past common point mutations or indels into uncommon kinase domain duplications and rearrangements. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2016 Jun;5(3):331-7. doi:...
5. A Phase 1 Study to Assess BDTX-1535, an Oral 4 th Generation EGFR Inhibitor, in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Glioblastoma 更多优质内容,欢迎关注↓↓↓
4.https://investors.blackdiamondtherapeutics.com/static-files/b0b3e252-f01a-49db-b1d8-a49e52d16edd 5. A Phase 1 Study to Assess BDTX-1535, an Oral 4 th Generation EGFR Inhibitor, in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Glioblastoma ...
[5]AssessinganOralEGFRInhibitor,YK-209AinPatientsWhoHaveAdvancedNon-smallCellLungCancerWithEGFR(YK-029A-101) YK-029AasFirst-LineTreatmentVersusPlatinum-BasedChemotherapyforNon-SmallCellLungCancer(NSCLC)WithEGFR exon 20insertionMutations(YK-029A-301) YK-029AinTreatmentSideEffectsandTreatment-ICHGCP编辑...
4.https://investors.blackdiamondtherapeutics.com/static-files/b0b3e252-f01a-49db-b1d8-a49e52d16edd 5. A Phase 1 Study to Assess BDTX-1535, an Oral 4 th Generation EGFR Inhibitor, in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Glioblastoma...
Oncology Provisional Clinical Opinion: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Mutation Testing for Patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Considering First-Line EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy.J Clin Oncol.2011:29;2121-27.Ellison G, et al.EGFR Mutation Testing in Lung Cancer: a ...
4.https://investors.blackdiamondtherapeutics.com/static-files/b0b3e252-f01a-49db-b1d8-a49e52d16edd 5. A Phase 1 Study to Assess BDTX-1535, an Oral 4 th Generation EGFR Inhibitor, in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Glioblastoma...
EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(tyrosine kinase inhibitor,TKI)显著改善了EGFR突变型晚期LUAD患者的中位无进展生存期(progression-free survival,PFS)和中位总生存期(overall survival,OS),成为EGFR敏感突变患者的首选临床治疗方案。然而,EGFR-TKI治疗依然面临耐药的挑战。除部分在耐药后出现T790M突变的患者可接受第3代EGFR-TKI...
inhibitor as treatment independent of performance status, preferably in the fi rst-line. EGFR wild-type patients with an adequate performance status, including ECOG performance status 2, should be off ered cytotoxic chemotherapy. Further research might elucidate the association between outcomes with...
[13]Doebele X,Riely GJ,Spira K,et al.First report of safety,PK,and preliminary antitumor activity of the oral EGFR/HER2 exon 20 inhibitor TAK-788(AP32788)in non-small cell lung cancer[abstract].J Clin Oncol 2018;36(Suppl):Abstract 9015. ...