set up for instant clear printing, generally on a single sheet of paper – though this may depend on browser and printer settings. Some of the crosswords are also interactive, meaning that they can be done online, on a computer, tablet or smartphone....
deconstruct:to analyse a text in order to show that there is no fixed meaning within the text but that the meaning is created each time in the act of reading distract:to take somebody’s attention away from what they are trying to do derail:to stop a process from continuing in the way ...
ESL/EFL/SLE through Drama as Quality-oriented Education:Brain research,Dramatic Methods and Language Acquisition[J].Teaching English in China,2001,(01):2-6.Wilkinson. ESL/EFL/SLE through Drama as Quality-Oriented Education:Brain Research,Dramatic Methods and Language Acquisition[J].Teaching English ...
Finite verb forms in English contain a lot of information. They marknumber,person,tense, and mood, all of which contribute to meaning. Finite verbs are also the the part of the verb phrase that has to agree with the subject (in person and number). In the example below, the subjects are...
The Internet TESL Journal is a free online journal for teachers of English as a second language that includes lesson plans, classroom handouts, links of interest to ESL teachers and students, articles, research papers and other things that are of immedia
The receptive skills lesson plan starts with preparing the students through warm-up and lead-in activities. Then, the teacher focuses on the strategies (e.g. predicting, inferring meaning from the context, locating referents, etc.) needed to understand the spoken or written text. This is follo...
Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking, and its companion text, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, are similar in format and the kinds of topics covered, but do not need to be used together. Drawing on research and theory in ...
In light of shifts toward emotion-based L2 education and PP, different studies have been carried out on teachers’ immediacy behaviors [12,20,45,58]. In a theoretical review, Zheng argued that teacher immediacy might correlate with clarity and credibility to foster EFL/ESL students’ engagement ...
3) Teach the meaning of "Liar!" if they don't know it already. To do this, I had my assistant teacher ask me "How old are you?" and I answered that I was 16. My students knew this wasn't right. I told them I was a liar and wrote the word on the board. ...
The present systematic review provides an overview and analysis of methodological underpinnings of self-regulated learning (SRL) research in ESL/EFL contexts. A search of five academic databases was conducted for studies published from 2017 to 2022. Adopting Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Revie...