Focus on the writing process All writing, indeed like this blog post, needs to be revised, edited and proof-read, before being submitted/published.In the classroom, however, this is often overlooked.Learners submit work which is actually a first draft. In my experience, teenagers in particular...
AntConc is a cool thing. It helps me to focus on the critical words quickly, and lets me understand the meaning by example sentences in the article. Sometimes looking up words in the dictionary isn’t the best way to understand the meanings. (S2-3, Assignment 1) ...
Feedback is frequently implemented in writing tasks in English as a second/foreign language (ESL/EFL) writing courses across the world. It remains a core feature of the writing classroom, since constructive feedback can raise students’ awareness, improve their texts, and help them learn to use...
(2021). Vocabulary in EFL/ESL context: An analysis of general English textbook. European Journal of English Language Studies, 1(1), 15–23. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Morin, R., & Goebel, J. (2001). Basic vocabulary instruction: ...
We don’t know for sure which is correct: Thepackageyou orderedhasarrived (one package).✔ Thepackagesyou orderedhavearrived (more than one package).✔ Even if the meaning is clear from the context, subject-verb agreement errors tend to draw more than their fair share of attention, distr...
A Complementary-compensatory Approach to Teaching Focus on Form/S in EFL/ESL ClassroomsFoFFoFsreactive and preemptive FoFFocus on form has received considerable attention as researchers and theorists have enthusiastically embraced an integration of meaning-focused and form-focused instruction in the L2 ...
The use of songs in the ESL classroom can be a fun and innovative way of covering a range of English language topics... Read more Problems encountered teaching Business English The study of business is a study of communication... Read more Establishing rapport in the classroom The rappo...
“While word frequency has some relevance to teaching, other factors are also important, such as the ease with which the meaning of an item can be demonstrated (’blue’ is easier to explain than ‘local’) and its appropriateness for what pupils want to say (‘plane’ is more useful than...
ESL: English as a Second Language CLT: Communicative Language Teaching SD: Standard Deviation SD: Strongly Disagree D: Disagree U: Undecided A: Agree SA: Strongly Agree (1), 15–25. Darmawan, S. L., & Fatmawati, G. N. (2019). Using pictionary game to increase learners’ vocabulary mast...
In light of shifts toward emotion-based L2 education and PP, different studies have been carried out on teachers’ immediacy behaviors [12,20,45,58]. In a theoretical review, Zheng argued that teacher immediacy might correlate with clarity and credibility to foster EFL/ESL students’ engagement ...