任何在海外投放的营销案例,包含单一营销活动、整合营销活动等;或运用单一媒体和媒体组合等创新营销方法, 使营销案例获得既定成果,均可角逐艾菲全球化营销奖。 参赛作品的结果数据须统计于有效资格区间内。评委只根据2023年6月1日至2024年6月30日期间的结果数据进行评审,否则该案例将被取消参赛资格。 结果数据必须来源于...
Tiffana是亚太区艾菲奖常驻评审团成员,还加入了今年的Spikes Asia Awards(亚洲顶尖创意奖)创意数据及创新类别评审团。 此次Tiffana与数位来自电通亚太与日本网络的创新领袖共同加入2023亚太区艾菲奖(APAC Effie Awards)评审阵容,发现和表彰区域杰出的营销传播作品。 -ENDS-...
The Malaysia Effie Awards 2024. This year focuses on awarding those who dare to take on the impossible. Registrations open now.
2023-05-08 16:00:44 奖项类型:铜奖 案例名称:vivo V23南亚媒介营销 参赛类别:创新突破 - 品牌体验(产品/服务)类 广告客户公司:维沃移动通信(深圳)有限公司 主要代理公司:蓝标传媒 主要平台公司:YouTube 案例中文概述: 本次V23系列南亚媒介营销,在巴基斯坦和孟加拉国2地区通过8大媒体,实现超过27亿次曝光,3.5亿...
Nissan’s Mikimasa Hamamatsu and HSBC’s Stephanie Ng announced as Heads of Jury for 2025 APAC Effie Awards Effie Asia Pacific announcess Mikimasa Hamamatsu, Division General Manager of Global Marketing for Nissan, and Stephanie Ng, Global Head of Marketing, International Wealth and Premier Bankin...
Your campaign won a Gold/Grand Effie in a local Effie competition in 2023? That's your track. WHY You Need an effie? There are lots of awards out there. But, for marketing communications effectiveness, none carries the prestige and authority of the Effie Awards Europe. ...
A series of programs - from thought leadership program, judging opportunities, Bootcamps to the main Awards Gala! Do not miss the chance to become a part of this prestigious program to - Learn, Grow & Connect. What’s in it for you and your company?• Create strong relationships with ...
任何在海外投放的营销案例,包含单一营销活动、整合营销活动等;或运用单一媒体和媒体组合等创新营销方法, 使营销案例获得既定成果,均可角逐艾菲全球化营销奖。 参赛作品的结果数据须统计于有效资格区间内。评委只根据2023年6月1日至2024年6月30日期间的结果数据进行评审,否则该案例将被取消参赛资格。
The 2023 worldwide and regional rankings are now available. This year's rankings are representative of Effie Awards finalists and winners announced between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. Search the Effie Index rankings to learn who the top performers are globally, regionally, nationally an...
Effie Awards Ireland is run by IAPI (Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland). Marketing is creativity with an objective: to grow a business, sell a product, or change the perception of a brand When marketing moves the needle toward a goal, that’s effectiveness. It’s measurable. ...