The Government of Zimbabwe, led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on record calling for the unconditional removal of the Western imposed illegal sanctions on t...
Drawing on data from Zimbabwe, we find that nontargeted firms in the same supply chain as sanctioned firms perform poorly compared with other non-sanctioned firms, signaling the effects of contagion. The mediation test indicates that economic sanctions reduce the performance of nontargeted supply chain...
Another well-known example of hyperinflation occurred in Zimbabwe in the 1990s. A government "Economic Structural Adjustment Program" seriously diminished the country's productive capacity, while sanctions imposed by the U.S., the European Union and the IMF made it more difficult for farms and busi...
were about to decline (e.g. due to imposed sanctions). Then one could mistakenly interpret the negative coefficient from an estimation that compares listed and non-listed countries as the effect of listing. Similarly, suppose that some goods became listed at the same time as demand for them ...
This was followed by the imposition of economic sanctions by the British government, with the support of the United Nations, which forced the rebel white colony of Rhodesia to pursue inward-looking policies that were supported by a panoply of controls over the economy. This ushered in a phase ...